
Kunihiro Taniguchi

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4EEShinji Nakadai, Kunihiro Taniguchi: Server Capacity Planning with Priority Allocation for Service Level Management in Heterogeneous Server Clusters. Integrated Network Management 2007: 753-756
3 Shinsuke Suetsugu, Naoki Wakamiya, Masayuki Murata, Koichi Konishi, Kunihiro Taniguchi: A Hybrid Video Streaming Scheme on Hierarchical P2P Networks. EuroIMSA 2005: 240-245
2EEWen-Syan Li, Oliver Po, Wang-Pin Hsiung, K. Selçuk Candan, Divyakant Agrawal, Yusuf Akca, Kunihiro Taniguchi: CachePortal II: Acceleration of Very Large Scale Data Center-Hosted Database-driven Web Applications. VLDB 2003: 1109-1112
1 Hiroshi Kitamura, Kunihiro Taniguchi, Hiromitsu Sakamoto, Takeshi Nishida: A New OS Architecture for High Performance Communication over ATM Networks - Zero-copy architecture. NOSSDAV 1995: 84-87

Coauthor Index

1Divyakant Agrawal [2]
2Yusuf Akca [2]
3K. Selçuk Candan [2]
4Wang-Pin Hsiung [2]
5Hiroshi Kitamura [1]
6Koichi Konishi [3]
7Wen-Syan Li [2]
8Masayuki Murata [3]
9Shinji Nakadai [4]
10Takeshi Nishida [1]
11Oliver Po [2]
12Hiromitsu Sakamoto [1]
13Shinsuke Suetsugu [3]
14Naoki Wakamiya [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)