
Salvatore Vitabile

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27EESalvatore Vitabile, Salvatore Bono, Filippo Sorbello: An Embedded Real-Time Lane-Keeper for Automatic Vehicle Driving. CISIS 2008: 279-285
26EECarmelo Militello, Vincenzo Conti, Filippo Sorbello, Salvatore Vitabile: A Novel Embedded Fingerprints Authentication System Based on Singularity Points. CISIS 2008: 72-78
25EES. Franchini, Antonio Gentile, M. Grimaudo, C. A. Hung, Sandro Impastato, Filippo Sorbello, Giorgio Vassallo, Salvatore Vitabile: A Sliced Coprocessor for Native Clifford Algebra Operations. DSD 2007: 436-439
24EEVincenzo Conti, Giovanni Milici, Patrizia Ribino, Filippo Sorbello, Salvatore Vitabile: Fuzzy Fusion in Multimodal Biometric Systems. KES (1) 2007: 108-115
23EEVincenzo Conti, Davide Perconti, Salvatore Romano, G. Tona, Salvatore Vitabile, Salvatore Gaglio, Filippo Sorbello: Fast Fingerprints Classification Only Using the Directional Image. KES (1) 2007: 34-41
22EESalvatore Vitabile, Salvatore Bono, Filippo Sorbello: An Embedded Real-Time Automatic Lane-Keeping System. KES (1) 2007: 647-654
21EESalvatore Vitabile, Giovanni Milici, S. Scolaro, Filippo Sorbello, Giovanni Pilato: A MAS Security Framework Implementing Reputation Based Policies and Owners Access Control. AINA (2) 2006: 746-752
20EESabato Marco Siniscalchi, Fulvio Gennaro, Salvatore Andolina, Salvatore Vitabile, Antonio Gentile, Filippo Sorbello: Embedded Knowledge-Based Speech Detectors for Real-Time Recognition Tasks. ICPP Workshops 2006: 353-360
19EEAntonio Gentile, Salvatore Segreto, Filippo Sorbello, Giorgio Vassallo, Salvatore Vitabile, Vincenzo Vullo: CliffoSor: A Parallel Embedded Architecture for Geometric Algebra and Computer Graphics. CAMP 2005: 90-95
18EESalvatore Vitabile, Vincenzo Conti, Fulvio Gennaro, Filippo Sorbello: Efficient MLP Digital Implementation on FPGA. DSD 2005: 218-222
17 Antonio Gentile, Salvatore Segreto, Filippo Sorbello, Giorgio Vassallo, Salvatore Vitabile, Vincenzo Vullo: CliffoSor, an Innovative FPGA-based Architecture for Geometric Algebra. ERSA 2005: 211-217
16EESalvatore Vitabile, Vincenzo Conti, Giuseppe Lentini, Filippo Sorbello: An Intelligent Sensor for Fingerprint Recognition. EUC 2005: 27-36
15EESabato Marco Siniscalchi, Fulvio Gennaro, Salvatore Vitabile, Antonio Gentile, Filippo Sorbello: Efficient FPGA Implementation of a Knowledge-Based Automatic Speech Classifier. ICESS 2005: 198-209
14EEAntonio Gentile, Salvatore Vitabile, Lorenzo Verdoscia, Filippo Sorbello: Image Processing Chain for Digital Still Cameras Based on the SIMPil Architecture. ICPP Workshops 2005: 215-222
13EEU. Brunelli, V. Piazza, L. Pignato, Filippo Sorbello, Salvatore Vitabile: Hourly Forecasting of SO2 Pollutant Concentration Using an Elman Neural Network. WIRN/NAIS 2005: 65-69
12EESalvatore Vitabile, Antonio Gentile, Sabato Marco Siniscalchi, Filippo Sorbello: Efficient Rapid Prototyping of Image and Video Processing Algorithms. DSD 2004: 452-458
11 Giovanni Pilato, Salvatore Vitabile, Giorgio Vassallo, Vincenzo Conti, Filippo Sorbello: A mobile agent based system for documents classification and retrieval. Intelligenza Artificiale 1(3): 34-40 (2004)
10EEGiovanni Pilato, Salvatore Vitabile, Giorgio Vassallo, Vincenzo Conti, Filippo Sorbello: Web directories as a knowledge base to build a multi-agent system for information sharing. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems 2(4): 265-277 (2004)
9EEGiovanni Pilato, Salvatore Vitabile, Giorgio Vassallo, Vincenzo Conti, Filippo Sorbello: A Neural Multi-Agent Based System for Smart Html Pages Retrieval. IAT 2003: 233-239
8EEGiovanni Pilato, Salvatore Vitabile, Giorgio Vassallo, Vincenzo Conti, Filippo Sorbello: A Concurrent Neural Classifier for HTML Documents Retrieval. WIRN 2003: 210-217
7 Salvatore Vitabile, Giovanni Pilato, Vincenzo Conti, Carmelo Ferrara, Filippo Sorbello: Agents Ownership Setting by User Fingerprints. WOA 2003: 135-139
6 Antonio Chella, Rosario Sorbello, Sabato Marco Siniscalchi, Salvatore Vitabile: MIP: A New Hybrid Multi-Agent Architecture for the Coordination of a Robot Colony Activities. ECAI 2002: 713-717
5 Antonio Gentile, Massimo Cossentino, Salvatore Vitabile, Antonio Chella, Filippo Sorbello: Intelligent Agent Mapping on a Massively Parallel MIMD Computing Platform. PDPTA 2002: 850-855
4EESalvatore Vitabile, Antonio Gentile, G. B. Dammone, Filippo Sorbello: MLP Neural Network Implementation on a SIMD Architecture. WIRN 2002: 99-108
3EEAntonio Chella, Salvatore Vitabile, Rosario Sorbello: A Vision Agent for Mobile Robot Navigation in Time-Variable Environments. ICIAP 2001: 559-564
2EESalvatore Vitabile, Giorgio Pollaccia, Giovanni Pilato, Filippo Sorbello: Road Signs Recognition Using a Dynamic Pixel Aggregation Technique in the HSV Color Space. ICIAP 2001: 572-577
1EESalvatore Vitabile, Giovanni Pilato, F. Pullara, Filippo Sorbello: A Navigation System for Vision-Guided Mobile Robots. ICIAP 1999: 566-571

Coauthor Index

1Salvatore Andolina [20]
2Salvatore Bono [22] [27]
3U. Brunelli [13]
4Antonio Chella [3] [5] [6]
5Vincenzo Conti [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [16] [18] [23] [24] [26]
6Massimo Cossentino [5]
7G. B. Dammone [4]
8Carmelo Ferrara [7]
9S. Franchini [25]
10Salvatore Gaglio [23]
11Fulvio Gennaro [15] [18] [20]
12Antonio Gentile [4] [5] [12] [14] [15] [17] [19] [20] [25]
13M. Grimaudo [25]
14C. A. Hung [25]
15Sandro Impastato [25]
16Giuseppe Lentini [16]
17Giovanni Milici [21] [24]
18Carmelo Militello [26]
19Davide Perconti [23]
20V. Piazza [13]
21L. Pignato [13]
22Giovanni Pilato [1] [2] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [21]
23Giorgio Pollaccia [2]
24F. Pullara [1]
25Patrizia Ribino [24]
26Salvatore Romano [23]
27S. Scolaro [21]
28Salvatore Segreto [17] [19]
29Sabato Marco Siniscalchi [6] [12] [15] [20]
30Filippo Sorbello [1] [2] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27]
31Rosario Sorbello [3] [6]
32G. Tona [23]
33Giorgio Vassallo [8] [9] [10] [11] [17] [19] [25]
34Lorenzo Verdoscia [14]
35Vincenzo Vullo [17] [19]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)