
Lorenzo Verdoscia

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10EELorenzo Verdoscia, Laurence Tianruo Yang, Ricky Y.-K. Kwok, John O'Donnell: Message from the Chairs. ICPP Workshops 2005: 196
9EEAntonio Gentile, Salvatore Vitabile, Lorenzo Verdoscia, Filippo Sorbello: Image Processing Chain for Digital Still Cameras Based on the SIMPil Architecture. ICPP Workshops 2005: 215-222
8EELorenzo Verdoscia: CODACS Prototype: A Platform-Processor for CHIARA Programs. IPDPS 2005
7EELorenzo Verdoscia, Marco Danelutto, Raffaele Esposito: CODACS Prototype: CHIARA Language and Its Compilers. ICDCS Workshops 2004: 864-870
6EELorenzo Verdoscia: CODACS Project: A Development Tool for Embedded System Prototyping. ICESS 2004: 59-64
5EELorenzo Verdoscia, Umberto Scafuri: CODACS Project: Level-Node Communication Policies. PDP 2003: 134-139
4EELorenzo Verdoscia: CODACS Project: A Demand-Data Driven Reconfigurable Architecture (Research Note). Euro-Par 2002: 547-550
3EELorenzo Verdoscia, Roberto Vaccaro: An Adaptive Routing Algorithm for WK-Recursive Topologies. Computing 63(2): 171-184 (1999)
2EELorenzo Verdoscia, Roberto Vaccaro: A High-Level Dataflow System. Computing 60(4): 285-306 (1998)
1EEMonica Alderighi, Giacomo R. Sechi, Roberto Vaccaro, Lorenzo Verdoscia: A computing unit for FFP function evaluation in support of correctness proofs. MICRO 1989: 244-253

Coauthor Index

1Monica Alderighi [1]
2Marco Danelutto [7]
3Raffaele Esposito [7]
4Antonio Gentile [9]
5Ricky Y.-K. Kwok [10]
6John O'Donnell [10]
7Umberto Scafuri [5]
8Giacomo R. Sechi [1]
9Filippo Sorbello [9]
10Roberto Vaccaro [1] [2] [3]
11Salvatore Vitabile [9]
12Laurence Tianruo Yang [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)