
Massimo Cossentino

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43EEMassimo Cossentino, Luca Sabatucci, Valeria Seidita: A collaborative tool for designing and enacting design processes. SAC 2009: 715-721
42EELin Padgham, Michael Winikoff, Scott A. DeLoach, Massimo Cossentino: A Unified Graphical Notation for AOSE. AOSE 2008: 116-130
41EEValeria Seidita, Massimo Cossentino, Salvatore Gaglio: Using and Extending the SPEM Specifications to Represent Agent Oriented Methodologies. AOSE 2008: 46-59
40EEMassimo Cossentino, Salvatore Gaglio, Stéphane Galland, Nicolas Gaud, Vincent Hilaire, Abderrafiaa Koukam, Valeria Seidita: A MAS Metamodel-Driven Approach to Process Fragments Selection. AOSE 2008: 86-100
39EELuca Sabatucci, Alessandro F. Garcia, Nélio Cacho, Massimo Cossentino, Salvatore Gaglio: Conquering Fine-Grained Blends of Design Patterns. ICSR 2008: 294-305
38EEMassimo Cossentino, Giancarlo Fortino, Alfredo Garro, Samuele Mascillaro, Wilma Russo: PASSIM: a simulation-based process for the development of multi-agent systems. IJAOSE 2(2): 132-170 (2008)
37EEValeria Seidita, Jolita Ralyté, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Massimo Cossentino, Nicolas Arni-Bloch: A comparison of deontic matrices, maps and activity diagrams for the construction of situational methods. CAiSE Forum 2007
36EEMassimo Cossentino, Nicolas Gaud, Stéphane Galland, Vincent Hilaire, Abder Koukam: A Holonic Metamodel for Agent-Oriented Analysis and Design. HoloMAS 2007: 237-246
35EEMassimo Cossentino, Luca Sabatucci, Valeria Seidita, Salvatore Gaglio: An expert system for the design of agents. ICDIM 2007: 805-810
34EEGiovanni Aiello, Marco Alessi, Massimo Cossentino, Pietro Storniolo, Alfonso Urso: DNK-WSD: A Distributed Approach for Knowledge Discovery in Peer to Peer Networks. PDP 2007: 325-332
33EEMassimo Cossentino, Salvatore Gaglio, Alfredo Garro, Valeria Seidita: Method fragments for agent design methodologies: from standardisation to research. IJAOSE 1(1): 91-121 (2007)
32EEMassimo Cossentino, Luca Sabatucci, Valeria Seidita, Salvatore Gaglio: An Agent Oriented Tool for Method Engineering. EUMAS 2006
31EEVito Morreale, Giuseppe Francaviglia, Fabio Centineo, Michele Puccio, Massimo Cossentino: Goal-Oriented Agent Patterns with the PRACTIONIST Framework. EUMAS 2006
30EEVito Morreale, Susanna Bonura, Giuseppe Francaviglia, Fabio Centineo, Massimo Cossentino, Salvatore Gaglio: Goal-Oriented Development of BDI Agents: The PRACTIONIST Approach. IAT 2006: 66-72
29EEGiovanni Aiello, Marco Alessi, Massimo Cossentino, Alfonso Urso, Giuseppe Vella: RTDWD: Real-Time Distributed Wideband-Delphi for User Stories Estimation. RISE 2006: 35-50
28EEValeria Seidita, Massimo Cossentino, Salvatore Gaglio: A repository of fragments for agent system design. WOA 2006
27EELuca Sabatucci, Massimo Cossentino, Salvatore Gaglio: Building Agents with Agents and Patterns. WOA 2006
26EERoberto Caico, Massimo Cossentino, Luca Sabatucci, Valeria Seidita, Salvatore Gaglio: MetaMeth: a Tool For Process Definition And Execution. WOA 2006
25EEVito Morreale, Susanna Bonura, Giuseppe Francaviglia, Michele Puccio, Fabio Centineo, Giuseppe Cammarata, Massimo Cossentino, Salvatore Gaglio: PRACTIONIST: a Framework for developing BDI agent systems. WOA 2006
24 Antonio Chella, Massimo Cossentino, Luca Sabatucci, Valeria Seidita: Agile PASSI: An agile process for designing agents. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 21(2): (2006)
23EEIrene Macaluso, Edoardo Ardizzone, Antonio Chella, Massimo Cossentino, Antonio Gentile, R. Gradino, Ignazio Infantino, Marilia Liotta, Riccardo Rizzo, Giuseppe Scardino: Experiences with CiceRobot, a Museum Guide Cognitive Robot. AI*IA 2005: 474-482
22EEBrian Henderson-Sellers, John K. Debenham, Quynh-Nhu Numi Tran, Massimo Cossentino, Graham Low: Identification of Reusable Method Fragments from the PASSI Agent-Oriented Methodology. AOIS 2005: 95-110
21EEMassimo Cossentino, Salvatore Gaglio, Luca Sabatucci, Valeria Seidita: The PASSI and Agile PASSI MAS Meta-models Compared with a Unifying Proposal. CEEMAS 2005: 183-192
20 Vito Morreale, Susanna Bonura, Giuseppe Francaviglia, Massimo Cossentino, Salvatore Gaglio: PRACTIONIST: a New Framework for BDI Agents. EUMAS 2005: 236-247
19EERoberto Pirrone, Massimo Cossentino, Giovanni Pilato, Riccardo Rizzo, Giuseppe Russo: Discovering Learning Paths on a Domain Ontology Using Natural Language Interaction. IEA/AIE 2005: 310-314
18EEVito Morreale, Susanna Bonura, Fabio Centineo, Alessandro Rossi, Massimo Cossentino, Salvatore Gaglio: PRACTIONIST: Implementing PRACTIcal reasONIng sySTems. WOA 2005: 66-74
17EECarole Bernon, Massimo Cossentino, Juan Pavón: An Overview of Current Trends in European AOSE Research. Informatica (Slovenia) 29(4): 379-390 (2005)
16EECarole Bernon, Massimo Cossentino, Juan Pavón: Agent-oriented software engineering. Knowledge Eng. Review 20(2): 99-116 (2005)
15EECarole Bernon, Massimo Cossentino, Marie Pierre Gleizes, Paola Turci, Franco Zambonelli: A Study of Some Multi-agent Meta-models. AOSE 2004: 62-77
14EEAntonio Chella, Massimo Cossentino, Luca Sabatucci, Valeria Seidita: From PASSI to Agile PASSI: Tailoring a Design Process to Meet New Needs. IAT 2004: 471-474
13EEMassimo Cossentino, Valeria Seidita: Composition of a New Process to Meet Agile Needs Using Method Engineering. SELMAS 2004: 36-51
12EEMassimo Cossentino, Franco Zambonelli: Agent Design from the Autonomy Perspective. Agents and Computational Autonomy 2003: 140-150
11EEMassimo Cossentino, Luca Sabatucci, Antonio Chella: Patterns Reuse in the PASSI Methodology. ESAW 2003: 294-310
10EEMassimo Cossentino, Luca Sabatucci, Antonio Chella: A Possible Approach to the Development of Robotic Multi-Agent Systems. IAT 2003: 539-544
9 Massimo Cossentino, Agostino Poggi, Giovanni Rimassa, Paola Turci: Implementation Level Issues in MAS Modeling. WOA 2003: 155-162
8 Luca Sabatucci, Massimo Cossentino: A Multi-Platform Architecture for Agent Patterns Representation and Reuse. WOA 2003: 170-174
7 Massimo Cossentino, Gabriel Hopmans, James Odell: FIPA Standardization Activities in the Software Engineering Area. WOA 2003: 71-77
6EEPiermarco Burrafato, Massimo Cossentino: Designing a multi-agent solution for a bookstore with the PASSI methodology. AOIS@CAiSE 2002
5EEMassimo Cossentino, Piermarco Burrafato, Saverio Lombardo, Luca Sabatucci: Introducing Pattern Reuse in the Design of Multi-agent Systems. Agent Technologies, Infrastructures, Tools, and Applications for E-Services 2002: 107-120
4 Ignazio Infantino, Massimo Cossentino, Antonio Chella: An Agent Based Multilevel architecture for Robotics Vision Systems. IC-AI 2002: 386-390
3 Antonio Gentile, Massimo Cossentino, Salvatore Vitabile, Antonio Chella, Filippo Sorbello: Intelligent Agent Mapping on a Massively Parallel MIMD Computing Platform. PDPTA 2002: 850-855
2EEAntonio Chella, Massimo Cossentino, Roberto Pirrone, Andrea Ruisi: Modeling ontologies for robotic environments. SEKE 2002: 77-80
1 Antonio Chella, Massimo Cossentino, Ignazio Infantino, Roberto Pirrone: An Agent Based Design Process for Cognitive Architectures in Robotics. WOA 2001: 86-91

Coauthor Index

1Giovanni Aiello [29] [34]
2Marco Alessi [29] [34]
3Edoardo Ardizzone [23]
4Nicolas Arni-Bloch [37]
5Carole Bernon [15] [16] [17]
6Susanna Bonura [18] [20] [25] [30]
7Piermarco Burrafato [5] [6]
8Nélio Cacho [39]
9Roberto Caico [26]
10Giuseppe Cammarata [25]
11Fabio Centineo [18] [25] [30] [31]
12Antonio Chella [1] [2] [3] [4] [10] [11] [14] [23] [24]
13Scott A. DeLoach [42]
14John K. Debenham [22]
15Giancarlo Fortino [38]
16Giuseppe Francaviglia [20] [25] [30] [31]
17Salvatore Gaglio [18] [20] [21] [25] [26] [27] [28] [30] [32] [33] [35] [39] [40] [41]
18Stéphane Galland [36] [40]
19Alessandro F. Garcia (Alessandro Garcia) [39]
20Alfredo Garro [33] [38]
21Nicolas Gaud [36] [40]
22Antonio Gentile [3] [23]
23Marie Pierre Gleizes [15]
24R. Gradino [23]
25Brian Henderson-Sellers [22] [37]
26Vincent Hilaire [36] [40]
27Gabriel Hopmans [7]
28Ignazio Infantino [1] [4] [23]
29Abder Koukam (Abderrafiaa Koukam) [36] [40]
30Marilia Liotta [23]
31Saverio Lombardo [5]
32Graham C. Low (Graham Cedric Low, Graham Low) [22]
33Irene Macaluso [23]
34Samuele Mascillaro [38]
35Vito Morreale [18] [20] [25] [30] [31]
36James Odell [7]
37Lin Padgham [42]
38Juan Pavón [16] [17]
39Giovanni Pilato [19]
40Roberto Pirrone [1] [2] [19]
41Agostino Poggi [9]
42Michele Puccio [25] [31]
43Jolita Ralyté [37]
44Giovanni Rimassa [9]
45Riccardo Rizzo [19] [23]
46Alessandro Rossi [18]
47Andrea Ruisi [2]
48Giuseppe Russo [19]
49Wilma Russo [38]
50Luca Sabatucci [5] [8] [10] [11] [14] [21] [24] [26] [27] [32] [35] [39] [43]
51Giuseppe Scardino [23]
52Valeria Seidita [13] [14] [21] [24] [26] [28] [32] [33] [35] [37] [40] [41] [43]
53Filippo Sorbello [3]
54Pietro Storniolo [34]
55Quynh-Nhu Numi Tran [22]
56Paola Turci [9] [15]
57Alfonso Urso [29] [34]
58Giuseppe Vella [29]
59Salvatore Vitabile [3]
60Michael Winikoff [42]
61Franco Zambonelli [12] [15]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)