
Rosario Sorbello

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4EEAntonio Chella, Giovanni Pilato, Rosario Sorbello, Giorgio Vassallo, Francesco Cinquegrani, Salvatore Maria Anzalone: An Emphatic Humanoid Robot with Emotional Latent Semantic Behavior. SIMPAR 2008: 234-245
3EEAntonio Chella, Rosario Sorbello, Daniele Ribaudo, Ignazio V. Finazzo, Leonardo Papuzza: A Mechanism of Coalition Formation in the Metaphor of Politics Multiagent Architecture. AI*IA 2003: 410-422
2 Antonio Chella, Rosario Sorbello, Sabato Marco Siniscalchi, Salvatore Vitabile: MIP: A New Hybrid Multi-Agent Architecture for the Coordination of a Robot Colony Activities. ECAI 2002: 713-717
1EEAntonio Chella, Salvatore Vitabile, Rosario Sorbello: A Vision Agent for Mobile Robot Navigation in Time-Variable Environments. ICIAP 2001: 559-564

Coauthor Index

1Salvatore Maria Anzalone [4]
2Antonio Chella [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Francesco Cinquegrani [4]
4Ignazio V. Finazzo [3]
5Leonardo Papuzza [3]
6Giovanni Pilato [4]
7Daniele Ribaudo [3]
8Sabato Marco Siniscalchi [2]
9Giorgio Vassallo [4]
10Salvatore Vitabile [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)