
Seppo Virtanen

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9 Tomi Metsälä, Tomi Westerlund, Seppo Virtanen, Juha Plosila: Rigorous Communication Modelling at Transaction Level With Systemc. ICSOFT (SE/MUSE/GSDCA) 2008: 246-251
8EESeppo Virtanen: Improving the Learning Process of Engineering Students by Deployment of Activating ICTs. WSKS (2) 2008: 328-333
7EEMuhammad Imran Anwar, Seppo Virtanen, Jouni Isoaho: A software defined approach for common baseband processing. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design 54(8): 769-786 (2008)
6EESeppo Virtanen, Jani Paakkulainen, Tero Nurmi: Capturing Processor Architectures from Protocol Processing Applications: a Case Study. DSD 2005: 243-246
5 Seppo Virtanen, Dragos Truscan, Jani Paakkulainen, Jouni Isoaho, Johan Lilius: Highly Automated FPGA Synthesis of Application-Specific Protocol Processors. FPL 2005: 269-274
4EEJani Paakkulainen, Seppo Virtanen, Jouni Isoaho: Tuning a Protocol Processor Architecture Towards DSP Operations. SAMOS 2005: 132-141
3EESeppo Virtanen, Tero Nurmi, Jani Paakkulainen, Johan Lilius: A system-level framework for designing and evaluating protocol processor architectures. IJES 1(1/2): 78-90 (2005)
2EEJohan Lilius, Dragos Truscan, Seppo Virtanen: Fast Evaluation of Protocol Processor Architectures for IPv6 Routing. DATE 2003: 20158-20163
1EESeppo Virtanen, Johan Lilius: The TACO protocol processor simulation environment. CODES 2001: 201-206

Coauthor Index

1Muhammad Imran Anwar [7]
2Jouni Isoaho [4] [5] [7]
3Johan Lilius [1] [2] [3] [5]
4Tomi Metsälä [9]
5Tero Nurmi [3] [6]
6Jani Paakkulainen [3] [4] [5] [6]
7Juha Plosila [9]
8Dragos Truscan [2] [5]
9Tomi Westerlund [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)