
Eduardo Sánchez Vila

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19EEEduardo Sánchez Vila, Manuel Lama, Ricardo R. Amorim, Angel Negrete: WebLD: A Web Portal to Design IMS LD Units of Learning. ICALT 2007: 880-881
18EEJuan Navarro, Eduardo Sánchez Vila, Antonio Canedo: Information coding in early stages of the somatosensory system. Natural Computing 6(3): 253-267 (2007)
17EERicardo R. Amorim, Eduardo Sánchez Vila, Manuel Lama: The Problem of LD Execution and the Need for an IMS LD Level B Ontology. EC-TEL 2006: 537-542
16EERicardo R. Amorim, Manuel Lama, Eduardo Sánchez Vila: Using Ontologies to Model and Execute IMS Learning Design Documents. ICALT 2006: 1115-1116
15EERicardo R. Amorim, Manuel Lama, Eduardo Sánchez Vila: Modelling and Implementation of the Astronomy Case Study with an IMS-LD Ontology. ICALT 2006: 1166-1167
14EERicardo R. Amorim, Manuel Lama, Eduardo Sánchez Vila: Semantic Modeling of the IMS LD Level B Specification. ICALT 2006: 880-882
13EERicardo R. Amorim, Manuel Lama, Eduardo Sánchez Vila, Adolfo Riera Alvarez, Xosé A. Vila Sobrino: A Learning Design Ontology based on the IMS Specification. Educational Technology & Society 9(1): 38-57 (2006)
12 Adolfo Riera Alvarez, Eduardo Sánchez Vila, Xosé A. Vila Sobrino, Manuel Lama Penín, Elke Hinrichs, Rudolf Ruland: Solving the problem of integrating a client-server architecture with a multi-agent system in the educational domain. IADIS AC 2005: 261-268
11EEJuan Navarro, Eduardo Sánchez Vila, Antonio Canedo: Coding Strategies in Early Stages of the Somatosensory System. IWINAC (1) 2005: 213-222
10EEAdolfo Riera, Manuel Lama, Eduardo Sánchez Vila, Ricardo R. Amorim, Xosé A. Vila Sobrino, Senén Barro: Study of Communication in a Multi-Agent System for Collaborative Learning Scenarios. PDP 2004: 233-240
9EEXosé A. Vila Sobrino, Adolfo Riera, Eduardo Sánchez Vila, Manuel Lama, David L. Moreno: A PDA-Based Interface for a Computer Supported Educational System. ICALT 2003: 12-16
8EEEduardo Sánchez Vila, Senén Barro, Jorge Mariño, Antonio Canedo: Sleep and Wakefulness in the Cuneate Nucleus: A Computational Study. IWANN (1) 2003: 70-77
7EEPedro Jorge, David L. Moreno, Eduardo Sánchez Vila, Senén Barro: Database Integration and Remote Accessibility in a Distributed Vision-Based Surveillance System. PDP 2003: 274-
6EEEduardo Sánchez Vila, Manuel Lama, Ricardo R. Amorim, Adolfo Riera, Xosé A. Vila Sobrino, Senén Barro: A multi-tiered agent-based architecture for a cooperative learning environment. PDP 2003: 500-506
5EEEduardo Sánchez Vila, Senén Barro, Antonio Canedo: Edge Detection and Motion Discrimination in the Cuneate Nucleus. ICANN 2002: 198-203
4EEEduardo Sánchez Vila, Senén Barro, Jorge Mariño, Antonio Canedo: A Realistic Computational Model of the Local Circuitry of the Cuneate Nucleus. IWANN (1) 2001: 21-29
3EEEduardo Sánchez Vila, Manuel Mucientes, Senén Barro: A Cuneate-Based Network and Its Application as a Spatio-Temporal Filter in Mobile Robotics. IWANN (2) 2001: 418-425
2 Eduardo Sánchez Vila, Senén Barro, Jorge Mariño, Antonio Canedo, Pablo Vázquez: Modelling the Circuitry of the Cuneate Nucleus. IWANN (1) 1999: 73-85
1 Manuel Fernández Delgado, Carlos V. Regueiro, Eduardo Sánchez Vila, Senén Barro: MART: Una Red Neuronal para la clasificación de patrones multicanal. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 1: 8-15 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Adolfo Riera Alvarez [12] [13]
2Ricardo R. Amorim [6] [10] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19]
3Senén Barro [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
4Antonio Canedo [2] [4] [5] [8] [11] [18]
5Manuel Fernández Delgado [1]
6Elke Hinrichs [12]
7Pedro Jorge [7]
8Manuel Lama [6] [9] [10] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19]
9Jorge Mariño [2] [4] [8]
10David L. Moreno [7] [9]
11Manuel Mucientes [3]
12Juan Navarro [11] [18]
13Angel Negrete [19]
14Manuel Lama Penín [12]
15Carlos V. Regueiro [1]
16Adolfo Riera [6] [9] [10]
17Rudolf Ruland [12]
18Xosé A. Vila Sobrino [6] [9] [10] [12] [13]
19Pablo Vázquez [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)