
Elke Hinrichs

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8 Adolfo Riera Alvarez, Eduardo Sánchez Vila, Xosé A. Vila Sobrino, Manuel Lama Penín, Elke Hinrichs, Rudolf Ruland: Solving the problem of integrating a client-server architecture with a multi-agent system in the educational domain. IADIS AC 2005: 261-268
7EECarla Valle, Elke Hinrichs, Karl-Heinz Klein, Gerd Woetzel, Thomas Koch, Volker Paulsen: MILK Mobile Support for Knowledge Management. CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings 2003
6EEThomas Kreifelts, Elke Hinrichs, Gerd Woetzel: BSCW-Flow: Workflow in Web-based Shared Workspaces. Cross-Organisational Workflow Management and Co-ordination 1999
5EEWolfgang Appelt, Elke Hinrichs, Gerd Woetzel: Effectiveness and Efficiency: The Need for Tailorable User Interfaces on the Web. Computer Networks 30(1-7): 499-508 (1998)
4EERichard Bentley, Wolfgang Appelt, Uwe Busbach, Elke Hinrichs, D. Kerr, Klaas Sikkel, Jonathan Trevor, Gerd Woetzel: Basic support for cooperative work on the World Wide Web. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 46(6): 827-846 (1997)
3EEWolfgang Appelt, Elke Hinrichs: Erstellung und Wartung von WWW-Seiten mit dem BSCW System. EMISA 1996
2 Thomas Kreifelts, Elke Hinrichs, Gerd Woetzel: Sharing To-Do Lists with a Distributed Task Manager. ECSCW 1993: 31-
1EEThomas Kreifelts, Elke Hinrichs, Karl-Heinz Klein, P. Seuffert, Gerd Woetzel: Experiences with the DOMINO Office Procedure System. ECSCW 1991

Coauthor Index

1Adolfo Riera Alvarez [8]
2Wolfgang Appelt [3] [4] [5]
3Richard Bentley [4]
4Uwe Busbach [4]
5D. Kerr [4]
6Karl-Heinz Klein [1] [7]
7Thomas Koch [7]
8Thomas Kreifelts [1] [2] [6]
9Volker Paulsen [7]
10Manuel Lama Penín [8]
11Rudolf Ruland [8]
12P. Seuffert [1]
13Klaas Sikkel [4]
14Xosé A. Vila Sobrino [8]
15Jonathan Trevor [4]
16Carla Valle [7]
17Eduardo Sánchez Vila [8]
18Gerd Woetzel [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)