
Piercarlo Giolito

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8 Giuseppe Berio, Antonio Di Leva, Piercarlo Giolito, François Vernadat: Process and data nets: the conceptual model of the M*-OBJECT methodology. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 29(1): 104-114 (1999)
7EEM. N. Bert, M. L. Demarie, Antonio Di Leva, Piercarlo Giolito, P. Ivaldi: Rule Management for Heterogeneous Knowledge-Based Systems. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1988: 823-832
6 Antonio Di Leva, Piercarlo Giolito: Information System Dynamics Representation in Production Environment. Data Knowl. Eng. 3: 149-161 (1988)
5 G. Barbara Demo, Antonio Di Leva, Piercarlo Giolito: An Entity-Relationship Query Language. TFAIS 1985: 19-33
4 G. Barbara Demo, Antonio Di Leva, Piercarlo Giolito: Dynamics in Logical Database Design. Computer-Aided Database Design: the DATAID approach 1985: 185-198
3 M. N. Bert, Gianfranco Ciardo, G. Barbara Demo, Antonio Di Leva, Piercarlo Giolito, C. Iacobelli, V. Marrone: The Logical Design in the DATAID Project: The EASYMAP System. Computer-Aided Database Design: the DATAID approach 1985: 97-113
2EEGianfranco Balbo, G. Barbara Demo, Antonio Di Leva, Piercarlo Giolito: Dynamics Analysis in Database Design. ICDE 1984: 238-243
1 P. Bertaina, Antonio Di Leva, Piercarlo Giolito: Logical Design in Codasyl and Relational Environment. Methodology and Tools for Data Base Design 1983: 85-118

Coauthor Index

1Gianfranco Balbo [2]
2Giuseppe Berio [8]
3M. N. Bert [3] [7]
4P. Bertaina [1]
5Gianfranco Ciardo [3]
6M. L. Demarie [7]
7G. Barbara Demo [2] [3] [4] [5]
8C. Iacobelli [3]
9P. Ivaldi [7]
10Antonio Di Leva [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
11V. Marrone [3]
12François Vernadat [8]

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