
Pierre Michel

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3EEBernard Berthomieu, Pierre-Olivier Ribet, François Vernadat, J. L. Bernartt, Jean-Marie Farines, Jean-Paul Bodeveix, Mamoun Filali, Gérard Padiou, Pierre Michel, Patrick Farail, Pierre Gauffilet, Pierre Dissaux, Jean-Luc Lambert: Towards the verification of real-time systems in avionics: the Cotre approach. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 80: (2003)
2EEOdile Laurent, Pierre Michel, Virginie Wiels: Using Formal Verification Techniques to Reduce Simulation and Test Effort. FME 2001: 465-477
1 Pierre Michel, Virginie Wiels: A Framework for Modular Formal Specification and Verification. FME 1997: 533-552

Coauthor Index

1J. L. Bernartt [3]
2Bernard Berthomieu [3]
3Jean-Paul Bodeveix [3]
4Pierre Dissaux [3]
5Patrick Farail [3]
6Jean-Marie Farines [3]
7Mamoun Filali [3]
8Pierre Gauffilet [3]
9Jean-Luc Lambert [3]
10Odile Laurent [2]
11Gérard Padiou [3]
12Pierre-Olivier Ribet [3]
13François Vernadat [3]
14Virginie Wiels [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)