
Ranan B. Banerji

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21 Ranan B. Banerji: The General Problem Solver as a Paradigm for Software Design. AIFIPP 1992: 183-192
20EERanan B. Banerji: Learning Theories in a Subset of a Polyadic Logic. COLT 1988: 267-278
19 Ranan B. Banerji: Learning in the Limit in a Growing Language. IJCAI 1987: 280-282
18 Ranan B. Banerji: Learning in the Limit in a Growing Language. ISMIS 1987: 299-308
17 Ranan B. Banerji: A discussion of a report by Ehud Shapiro. Computational Intelligence 3: 295-303 (1987)
16 Ranan B. Banerji: The Logic of Learning: A Basis for Pattern Recognition and for Improvement of Performance. Advances in Computers 24: 177-216 (1985)
15 George W. Ernst, Ranan B. Banerji: On the Relationship Between Strong and Weak Problem Solvers. AI Magazine 4(2): 25-29 (1983)
14 Tom M. Mitchell, Paul E. Utgoff, Bernard Nudel, Ranan B. Banerji: Learning Problem-Solving Heuristics Through Practice. IJCAI 1981: 127-134
13 Ranan B. Banerji: The Construction of Binary Matrices with Distinct Submatrices. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(2): 162-164 (1978)
12 Ranan B. Banerji, George W. Ernst: A Comparsion of Three Problem-Solving Methods. IJCAI 1977: 442-449
11 Ranan B. Banerji, George W. Ernst: A Theory for the Complete Mechanization of a GPS-Type Problem Solver. IJCAI 1977: 450-456
10 Ranan B. Banerji: On an Alternative Representation for a Wide Class of Binary Relations Information and Control 31(4): 385-393 (1976)
9 Ranan B. Banerji, George W. Ernst: Strategy Construction Using Homomorphisms Between Games. Artif. Intell. 3(1-3): 223-249 (1972)
8 Ranan B. Banerji, George W. Ernst: Changes in Representation which Preserve Strategies in Games. IJCAI 1971: 651
7EERanan B. Banerji: Some linguistic and statistical problems in pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition 3(4): 409-419 (1970)
6EERanan B. Banerji: The state space in systems theory. Inf. Sci. 1(4): 335-342 (1969)
5EERanan B. Banerji: A language for pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition 1(1): 63-74 (1968)
4 Edward Altman, Ranan B. Banerji: Some Problems of Finite Representability Information and Control 8(3): 251-263 (1965)
3 Ranan B. Banerji: Phrase Structure Languages, Finite Machines, and Channel Capacity Information and Control 6(2): 153-162 (1963)
2EERanan B. Banerji: The description list of concepts. Commun. ACM 5(8): 426-432 (1962)
1 Ranan B. Banerji: On Constructing Group Codes Information and Control 4(1): 1-14 (1961)

Coauthor Index

1Edward Altman [4]
2George W. Ernst [8] [9] [11] [12] [15]
3Tom M. Mitchell [14]
4Bernard Nudel [14]
5Paul E. Utgoff [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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