
Augustus K. Uht

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23EEMichael Kadin, Sherief Reda, Augustus K. Uht: Central vs. distributed dynamic thermal management for multi-core processors: which one is better? ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2009: 137-140
22EEResit Sendag, Ayse Yilmazer, Joshua J. Yi, Augustus K. Uht: The impact of wrong-path memory references in cache-coherent multiprocessor systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 67(12): 1256-1269 (2007)
21EEResit Sendag, Ayse Yilmazer, Joshua J. Yi, Augustus K. Uht: Quantifying and reducing the effects of wrong-path memory references in cache-coherent multiprocessor systems. IPDPS 2006
20EEAugustus K. Uht: Uniprocessor Performance Enhancement through Adaptive Clock Frequency Control. IEEE Trans. Computers 54(2): 132-140 (2005)
19EEAugustus K. Uht: Going Beyond Worst-Case Specs with TEAtime. IEEE Computer 37(3): 51-56 (2004)
18EEAugustus K. Uht, David Morano, Alireza Khalafi, David R. Kaeli: Levo - A Scalable Processor With High IPC. J. Instruction-Level Parallelism 5: (2003)
17EEDavid Morano, Alireza Khalafi, David R. Kaeli, Augustus K. Uht: Realizing high IPC through a scalable memory-latency tolerant multipath microarchitecture. SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 31(1): 16-25 (2003)
16EEAugustus K. Uht, Alireza Khalafi, David Morano, Marcos de Alba, David R. Kaeli: Realizing High IPC Using Time-Tagged Resource-Flow Computing. Euro-Par 2002: 490-499
15EEAugustus K. Uht: Disjoint Eager Execution: what it is / what it is not. SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 30(1): 12-14 (2002)
14EEAugustus K. Uht, Jien-Chung Lo, Ying Sun, James C. Daly, James Kowalski: Building Real Computer Systems. IEEE Micro 20(3): 48-56 (2000)
13 Augustus K. Uht, Vijay Sindagi, Sajee Somanathan: Branch Effect Reduction Techniques. IEEE Computer 30(5): 71-81 (1997)
12EEAugustus K. Uht, Vijay Sindagi, Kelley Hall: Disjoint eager execution: an optimal form of speculative execution. MICRO 1995: 313-325
11EEAugustus K. Uht, Darin B. Johnson: Data path issues in a highly concurrent machine. MICRO 1992: 115-118
10 Augustus K. Uht: Concurrency Extraction via Hardware Methods Executing the Static Instruction Stream. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(7): 826-841 (1992)
9EEAugustus K. Uht: Requirements for Optimal Execution of Loops with Tests. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 3(5): 573-581 (1992)
8 Augustus K. Uht: A Theory of Reduced and Minimal Procedural Dependencies. IEEE Trans. Computers 40(6): 681-692 (1991)
7EES. ShouHan Wang, Augustus K. Uht: Ideograph/Ideogram: framework/hardware for eager evaluation. MICRO 1990: 125-134
6 S. ShouHan Wang, Augustus K. Uht: Program Optimization with Ideograph. ICPP (2) 1989: 153-159
5EEAugustus K. Uht: Requirements for optimal execution ofL oops with tests. ICS 1988: 230-237
4EEJ. H. Jacobs, Augustus K. Uht, R. C. Ord: Modeling the effects of instruction queue loading on a static instruction stream micro-architecture. MICRO 1988: 11-20
3 Augustus K. Uht: Incremental Performance Contributions of Hardware Concurrency Extraction Techniques. ICS 1987: 355-376
2EEAugustus K. Uht, Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, John F. Kolen: On the combination of hardware and software concurrency extraction methods. MICRO 1987: 133-141
1 Augustus K. Uht, Robert G. Wedig: Hardware Extraction of Low-Level Concurrency from Serial Instruction Streams. ICPP 1986: 729-736

Coauthor Index

1Marcos de Alba [16]
2James C. Daly [14]
3Kelley Hall [12]
4J. H. Jacobs [4]
5Darin B. Johnson [11]
6Michael Kadin [23]
7David R. Kaeli [16] [17] [18]
8Alireza Khalafi [16] [17] [18]
9John F. Kolen [2]
10James Kowalski [14]
11Jien-Chung Lo [14]
12David Morano [16] [17] [18]
13R. C. Ord [4]
14Constantine D. Polychronopoulos [2]
15Sherief Reda [23]
16Resit Sendag [21] [22]
17Vijay Sindagi [12] [13]
18Sajee Somanathan [13]
19Ying Sun [14]
20S. ShouHan Wang [6] [7]
21Robert G. Wedig [1]
22Joshua J. Yi [21] [22]
23Ayse Yilmazer [21] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)