
Akitsugu Watanabe

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7EEDai Kobayashi, Akitsugu Watanabe, Toshihiro Uehara, Haruo Yokota: A high-availability software update method for distributed storage systems. Systems and Computers in Japan 37(10): 35-46 (2006)
6EEKazuhito Kobayashi, Wenxin Liang, Dai Kobayashi, Akitsugu Watanabe, Haruo Yokota: VLEI code: An Efficient Labeling Method for Handling XML Documents in an RDB. ICDE 2005: 386-387
5EEAkitsugu Watanabe, Haruo Yokota: Adaptive Lapped Declustering: A Highly Available Data-Placement Method Balancing Access Load and Space Utilization. ICDE 2005: 828-839
4EEMana Nakano, Dai Kobayashi, Akitsugu Watanabe, Toshihiro Uehara, Ryo Taguchi, Haruo Yokota: The Versioning System Balancing Data Amount and Access Frequency on Distributed Storage System. ICDE Workshops 2005: 1264
3EEDai Kobayashi, Akitsugu Watanabe, Ryo Taguchi, Toshihiro Uehara, Haruo Yokota: An Efficient Access Forwarding Method Based On Caches On Storage Nodes. ICDE Workshops 2005: 1265
2EEToshinori Yamada, Takashi Ohtsuka, Akitsugu Watanabe, Shuichi Ueno: On sequential diagnosis of multiprocessor systems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 146(3): 311-342 (2005)
1EEAkitsugu Watanabe, Haruo Yokota: Directory-traverse-cost-based skew handling for parallel data access. Systems and Computers in Japan 34(14): 13-22 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Dai Kobayashi [3] [4] [6] [7]
2Kazuhito Kobayashi [6]
3Wenxin Liang [6]
4Mana Nakano [4]
5Takashi Ohtsuka [2]
6Ryo Taguchi [3] [4]
7Toshihiro Uehara [3] [4] [7]
8Shuichi Ueno [2]
9Toshinori Yamada [2]
10Haruo Yokota [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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