
Xiaorong Li

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15EEXiaorong Li, Stephen John Turner, Kok Heng Tong, Hoong-Maeng Chan, Terence Hung: Design of an SLA-Driven QoS Management Platform for Provisioning Multimedia Personalized Services. AINA Workshops 2008: 1405-1409
14EEXiaorong Li, Edward Chuah, Jo Yew Tham, Kwong Huang Goh: An optimal smooth QoS adaptation strategy for QoS differentiated scalable media streaming. ICME 2008: 429-432
13EEXiuju Fu, Xiaorong Li, Lipo Wang, David Ong, Stephen John Turner: Data Mining in QoS-Aware Media Grids. Computational Intelligence: A Compendium 2008: 689-714
12EEWei Jie, Zhenghong Huang, Michael Daw, Rob Procter, Xiaorong Li, Lianggui Tang, Sheng Lu: Secure Access to Grid Information Service Using Shibboleth and PERMIS. CEC/EEE 2007: 297-304
11EEXiaorong Li, Bharadwaj Veeravalli: Cost-effective multicast approaches for time-critical applications in dynamic network environments. J. High Speed Networks 16(3): 239-259 (2007)
10EEXiaorong Li, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Viktor K. Prasanna: A window-assisted video partitioning strategy for partitioning and caching video streams in distributed multimedia systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 67(6): 738-754 (2007)
9EEHailong Li, Ian Li-Jin Thng, Xiaorong Li, Qun Zhao: Performance analysis of an Optical Switching node utilizing partial wavelength converters. Optical Switching and Networking 4(3-4): 225-230 (2007)
8EEQuoc-Thuan Ho, Terence Hung, Wei Jie, Hoong-Maeng Chan, Emilda Sindhu, Subramaniam Ganesan, Tianyi Zang, Xiaorong Li: GRASG - A Framework for "Gridifying" and Running Applications on Service-Oriented Grids. CCGRID 2006: 305-312
7EEXiaorong Li, Terence Gih Guang, Bharadwaj Veeravalli: Design and Implementation of a Multimedia Personalized Service Over Large Scale Networks. ICME 2006: 77-80
6EEXiaorong Li, Weiwei Sun, Baile Shi: Surviving the Impact of Complex Structure on Mobile Transactions. ICN/ICONS/MCL 2006: 218
5EEXiaorong Li, Baile Shi: A Prediction-Based Approach to Concurrency Control Resulting in Low Blocking Rate under High-Quality Mobile Environment. CIT 2005: 502-506
4EEWeiping Ge, Wei Wang, Xiaorong Li, Baile Shi: A Privacy-Preserving Classification Mining Algorithm. PAKDD 2005: 256-261
3EEXiaorong Li, Bharadwaj Veeravalli: Design and performance analysis of multimedia document retrieval strategies for networked Video-on-Reservation systems. Computer Communications 28(17): 1910-1924 (2005)
2EEHailong Li, Tan Wei Liak, Ian Li-Jin Thng, Xiaorong Li: Fiber Delay Line-Random Early Detection QoS Scheme for Optical Burst Switching Networks. HSNMC 2004: 761-765
1 Xiaorong Li, Bharadwaj Veeravalli: Performance evaluation of a destination-based video distribution strategy for reservation-based multimedia systems. ICME 2004: 491-494

Coauthor Index

1Hoong-Maeng Chan [8] [15]
2Edward Chuah [14]
3Michael Daw [12]
4Xiuju Fu [13]
5Subramaniam Ganesan [8]
6Weiping Ge [4]
7Kwong Huang Goh [14]
8Terence Gih Guang [7]
9Quoc-Thuan Ho [8]
10Zhenghong Huang [12]
11Terence Hung [8] [15]
12Wei Jie [8] [12]
13Hailong Li [2] [9]
14Tan Wei Liak [2]
15Sheng Lu [12]
16David Ong [13]
17Viktor K. Prasanna (V. K. Prasanna Kumar) [10]
18Rob Procter [12]
19Baile Shi (Bole Shi) [4] [5] [6]
20Emilda Sindhu [8]
21Weiwei Sun [6]
22Lianggui Tang [12]
23Jo Yew Tham [14]
24Ian Li-Jin Thng [2] [9]
25Kok Heng Tong [15]
26Stephen John Turner [13] [15]
27Bharadwaj Veeravalli [1] [3] [7] [10] [11]
28Lipo Wang [13]
29Wei Wang [4]
30Tianyi Zang [8]
31Qun Zhao [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)