
Nicolas Tsingos

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12EENicolas Bonneel, George Drettakis, Nicolas Tsingos, Isabelle Viaud-Delmon, Doug James: Fast modal sounds with scalable frequency-domain synthesis. ACM Trans. Graph. 27(3): (2008)
11EEThomas Moeck, Nicolas Bonneel, Nicolas Tsingos, George Drettakis, Isabelle Viaud-Delmon, David Alloza: Progressive perceptual audio rendering of complex scenes. SI3D 2007: 189-196
10EEGeorge Drettakis, Maria Roussou, Alex Reche Martinez, Nicolas Tsingos: Design and Evaluation of a Real-World Virtual Environment for Architecture and Urban Planning. Presence 16(3): 318-332 (2007)
9EEMaria Roussou, George Drettakis, Nicolas Tsingos, Alex Reche Martinez, Emmanuel Gallo: A User-Centered Approach on Combining Realism and Interactivity in Virtual Environments. VR 2004: 251-252
8EENicolas Tsingos, Emmanuel Gallo, George Drettakis: Perceptual audio rendering of complex virtual environments. ACM Trans. Graph. 23(3): 249-258 (2004)
7EECéline Loscos, Hila Ritter Widenfeld, Maria Roussou, Alexandre Meyer, Franco Tecchia, George Drettakis, Emmanuel Gallo, Alex Reche Martinez, Nicolas Tsingos, Yiorgos Chrysanthou, Luc Robert, Massimo Bergamasco, Andrea Dettori, Souheil Soubra: The CREATE Project: Mixed Reality for Design, Education, and Cultural Heritage with a Constructivist Approach. ISMAR 2003: 282-283
6EENicolas Tsingos, Ingrid Carlbom, Gary Elko, Robert Kubli, Thomas A. Funkhouser: Validating Acoustical Simulations in Bell Labs Box. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 22(4): 28-37 (2002)
5EENicolas Tsingos, Thomas A. Funkhouser, Addy Ngan, Ingrid Carlbom: Modeling acoustics in virtual environments using the uniform theory of diffraction. SIGGRAPH 2001: 545-552
4 Nicolas Tsingos, Jean-Dominique Gascuel: Soundtracks for Computer Animation: Sound Rendering in Dynamic Environment with Occlusions. Graphics Interface 1997: 9-16
3EEThierry Guiard-Marigny, Nicolas Tsingos, Ali Adjoudani, Christian Benoît, Marie-Paule Gascuel: 3D Models Of The Lips For Realistic Speech Animation. CA 1996: 80-89
2EEMathieu Desbrun, Nicolas Tsingos, Marie-Paule Gascuel: Adaptive Sampling of Implicit Surfaces for Interactive Modelling and Animation. Comput. Graph. Forum 15(5): 319-325 (1996)
1 Eric Bittar, Nicolas Tsingos, Marie-Paule Gascuel: Automatic Reconstruction of Unstructured 3D Data: Combining Medial Axis and Implicit Surfaces. Comput. Graph. Forum 14(3): 457-468 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Ali Adjoudani [3]
2David Alloza [11]
3Christian Benoît [3]
4Massimo Bergamasco [7]
5Eric Bittar [1]
6Nicolas Bonneel [11] [12]
7Ingrid Carlbom [5] [6]
8Yiorgos Chrysanthou [7]
9Mathieu Desbrun [2]
10Andrea Dettori [7]
11George Drettakis [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
12Gary Elko [6]
13Thomas A. Funkhouser [5] [6]
14Emmanuel Gallo [7] [8] [9]
15Jean-Dominique Gascuel [4]
16Marie-Paule Gascuel [1] [2] [3]
17Thierry Guiard-Marigny [3]
18Doug James [12]
19Robert Kubli [6]
20Céline Loscos [7]
21Alex Reche Martinez [7] [9] [10]
22Alexandre Meyer [7]
23Thomas Moeck [11]
24Addy Ngan [5]
25Luc Robert [7]
26Maria Roussou [7] [9] [10]
27Souheil Soubra [7]
28Franco Tecchia [7]
29Isabelle Viaud-Delmon [11] [12]
30Hila Ritter Widenfeld [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)