
Mike Peters

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5EEMike Peters, Josef Withalm, Walter Wölfel: Capability Maturity Models for SMEs and Collaborative Networked Organisations in Tourism. ENTER 2008: 568-579
4EERichard Brath, Mike Peters, Robin Senior: Visualization for Communication: The Importance of Aesthetic Sizzle. IV 2005: 724-729
3 Mike Peters: Systems Identification for Noise and Echo Control using Hidden Psychoacoustical Orthogonal Sequences. SIP 1999: 292-295
2 Ali Poursepanj, Deene Ogden, Brad Burgess, Sonya Gary, Carl Dietz, David Lee, S. Surya, Mike Peters: The PowerPC 603 Microprocessor: Performance Analysis and Design Trade-offs. COMPCON 1994: 316-323
1 Don Allingham, Pat Bashford, Mike Peters, Dean Vendl: DesignTest^TM: A Solution to the Problems of ASIC Verification. ITC 1989: 893-902

Coauthor Index

1Don Allingham [1]
2Pat Bashford [1]
3Richard Brath [4]
4Brad Burgess [2]
5Carl Dietz [2]
6Sonya Gary [2]
7David Lee [2]
8Deene Ogden [2]
9Ali Poursepanj [2]
10Robin Senior [4]
11S. Surya [2]
12Dean Vendl [1]
13Josef Withalm [5]
14Walter Wölfel [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)