
Deene Ogden

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4 Deene Ogden, Belli Kuttanna, Albert J. Loper, Soummya Mallick, Michael Putrino: A New PowerPC Microprocessor for Low Power Computing Systems. COMPCON 1995: 281-284
3 Brad Burgess, Mike Alexander, Ying-wai Ho, Suzanne Plummer Litch, Soummya Mallick, Deene Ogden, Sung-Ho Park, Jeff Slaton: The PowerPC 603 Microprocessor: A High Performance, Low Power, Superscalar RISC Microprocessor. COMPCON 1994: 300-306
2 Ali Poursepanj, Deene Ogden, Brad Burgess, Sonya Gary, Carl Dietz, David Lee, S. Surya, Mike Peters: The PowerPC 603 Microprocessor: Performance Analysis and Design Trade-offs. COMPCON 1994: 316-323
1 Brad Burgess, Nasr Ullah, Peter Van Overen, Deene Ogden: The PowerPC 603 Microprocessor. Commun. ACM 37(6): 34-42 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Mike Alexander [3]
2Brad Burgess [1] [2] [3]
3Carl Dietz [2]
4Sonya Gary [2]
5Ying-wai Ho [3]
6Belli Kuttanna [4]
7David Lee [2]
8Suzanne Plummer Litch [3]
9Albert J. Loper [4]
10Soummya Mallick [3] [4]
11Peter Van Overen [1]
12Sung-Ho Park [3]
13Mike Peters [2]
14Ali Poursepanj [2]
15Michael Putrino [4]
16Jeff Slaton [3]
17S. Surya [2]
18Nasr Ullah [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)