
Wookho Son

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11EEUngyeon Yang, Dongsik Jo, Wookho Son: Uvmode: usability verification mixed reality system for mobile devices. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3573-3578
10EEYongwan Kim, Yongseok Jang, Wookho Son, Jinah Park: 6DOF Whole-Hand Haptic Interaction System Based on Hybrid Grasping Approach. EuroHaptics 2008: 549-554
9EEGun A. Lee, Hyun Kang, Wookho Son: MIRAGE: A Touch Screen based Mixed Reality Interface for Space Planning Applications. VR 2008: 273-274
8EEDongsik Jo, Ungyeon Yang, Wookho Son: Design evaluation using virtual reality based prototypes: towards realistic visualization and operations. Mobile HCI 2007: 246-258
7EEUngyeon Yang, Gun A. Lee, Seonhyung Shin, Sunyu Hwang, Wookho Son: Virtual Reality based Paint Spray Training System. VR 2007: 289-290
6EEGun A. Lee, Ungyeon Yang, Wookho Son: Layered Multiple Displays for Immersive and Interactive Digital Contents. ICEC 2006: 123-134
5EEYongwan Kim, Yongseok Jang, Wookho Son, Kyeonghwan Kim: High-Precision Hand Interface. ICEC 2006: 378-381
4EEJong-Sung Kim, Huyk Jeong, Wookho Son: A new means of HCI: EMG-MOUSE. SMC (1) 2004: 100-104
3EEWookho Son, Kyunghwan Kim, Nancy M. Amato, Jeffrey C. Trinkle: A generalized framework for interactive dynamic simulation for multirigid bodies. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 34(2): 912-924 (2004)
2 Wookho Son, Jeffrey C. Trinkle, Nancy M. Amato: Hybrid Dynamic Simulation of Rigid-Body Contact with Coulomb Friction. ICRA 2001: 1376-1381
1EEWookho Son, Kyunghwan Kim, Nancy M. Amato: An Interactive Generalized Motion Simulator (GMS) in an Object-Oriented Framework. CA 2000: 176-

Coauthor Index

1Nancy M. Amato [1] [2] [3]
2Sunyu Hwang [7]
3Yongseok Jang [5] [10]
4Huyk Jeong [4]
5Dongsik Jo [8] [11]
6Hyun Kang [9]
7Jong-Sung Kim [4]
8Kyeonghwan Kim [5]
9Kyunghwan Kim [1] [3]
10Yongwan Kim [5] [10]
11Gun A. Lee [6] [7] [9]
12Jinah Park [10]
13Seonhyung Shin [7]
14Jeffrey C. Trinkle [2] [3]
15Ungyeon Yang [6] [7] [8] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)