
Jorma Skyttä

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18EEKimmo U. Järvinen, Jorma Skyttä: On Parallelization of High-Speed Processors for Elliptic Curve Cryptography. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(9): 1162-1175 (2008)
17EEKimmo U. Järvinen, Juha Forsten, Jorma Skyttä: FPGA Design of Self-certified Signature Verification on Koblitz Curves. CHES 2007: 256-271
16 Kimmo U. Järvinen, Matti Tommiska, Jorma Skyttä: A Compact MD5 and SHA-1 Co-Implementation Utilizing Algorithm Similarities. ERSA 2005: 48-54
15EEKimmo U. Järvinen, Matti Tommiska, Jorma Skyttä: Hardware Implementation Analysis of the MD5 Hash Algorithm. HICSS 2005
14EEKimmo U. Järvinen, Matti Tommiska, Jorma Skyttä: A VHDL Generator for Elliptic Curve Cryptography. FPL 2004: 1098-1100
13 Antti Hämäläinen, Matti Tommiska, Jorma Skyttä: FPGA-Based Implementation of a 59-Neuron Feedforward Neural Network with a 17.1 Gbps Interlayer Throughput. IC-AI 2004: 181-187
12EEKimmo U. Järvinen, Matti Tommiska, Jorma Skyttä: A fully pipelined memoryless 17.8 Gbps AES-128 encryptor. FPGA 2003: 207-215
11EEAntti Hämäläinen, Matti Tommiska, Jorma Skyttä: 8 Gigabits per Second Implementation of the IDEA Cryptographic Algorithm. FPL 2002: 760-769
10EEMatti Tommiska, Jorma Skyttä: Dijkstra's Shortest Path Routing Algorithm in Reconfigurable Hardware. FPL 2001: 653-657
9 Mika Loukola, Jorma Skyttä: Enhanced Augmented IP Routing Protocol (EAIRP) in IPv6 Environment. Electronic Commerce Research 1(4): 359-370 (2001)
8 Juha Forsten, Mika Loukola, Jorma Skyttä: Hardware Acceleration inside a Differentiated Services Access Node. IDMS 1999: 3-16
7 Mika Loukola, Jorma Skyttä: New Possibilities Offered by IPv6. ICCCN 1998: 548-552
6 Mika Loukola, Jorma Skyttä: Hop-by-hop option based flow-handling compared to other IP over ATM protocols. PICS 1998: 83-94
5EEMika Loukola, Jorma Skyttä: IPv6 over ATM flow-handling. Computer Communications 21(13): 1124-1130 (1998)
4 Jorma Skyttä, Tapio Takala: A Distributed Data Model for Raytracing. Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware 1988: 19-26
3 Jorma Skyttä, Tapio Takala: Partially Ordered Search Indices in the Organization of a Fixed Hierarchy. Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware 1987: 39-46
2 Jorma Skyttä, Tapio Takala: Utilization of VLSI for Creating an Active Data Base of 3-D Geometric Models. Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware 1986: 83-93
1 Iiro Hartimo, Klaus Kronlöf, Olli Simula, Jorma Skyttä: DFSP: A Data Flow Signal Processor. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(1): 23-33 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Juha Forsten [8] [17]
2Antti Hämäläinen [11] [13]
3Iiro Hartimo [1]
4Kimmo U. Järvinen [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
5Klaus Kronlöf [1]
6Mika Loukola [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
7Olli Simula [1]
8Tapio Takala [2] [3] [4]
9Matti Tommiska [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)