
Olli Simula

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13EEYoan Miche, Patrick Bas, Christian Jutten, Olli Simula, Amaury Lendasse: A Methodology for Building Regression Models using Extreme Learning Machine: OP-ELM. ESANN 2008: 247-252
12EEYoan Miche, Patrick Bas, Amaury Lendasse, Christian Jutten, Olli Simula: Advantages of Using Feature Selection Techniques on Steganalysis Schemes. IWANN 2007: 606-613
11EEAmaury Lendasse, Erkki Oja, Olli Simula, Michel Verleysen: Time series prediction competition: The CATS benchmark. Neurocomputing 70(13-15): 2325-2329 (2007)
10EEJaana Laiho, Kimmo Raivio, Pasi Lehtimäki, K. Hatonen, Olli Simula: Advanced analysis methods for 3G cellular networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(3): 930-942 (2005)
9EEPasi Lehtimäki, Kimmo Raivio, Olli Simula: Self-Organizing Operator Maps in Complex System Analysis. ICANN 2003: 622-629
8 Kimmo Raivio, Olli Simula, Jaana Laiho, Pasi Lehtimäki: Analysis of Mobile Radio Access Network Using the Selforganizing Map. Integrated Network Management 2003: 439-451
7 Pasi Lehtimäki, Kimmo Raivio, Olli Simula: Mobile radio access network monitoring using the self-organizing map. ESANN 2002: 231-236
6EEEsa Alhoniemi, Olli Simula: Interpretation and comparison of multivariate data partitions. ESANN 2001: 277-282
5EEKimmo Raivio, Olli Simula, Jaana Laiho: Neural Analysis of Mobile Radio Access Network. ICDM 2001: 457-466
4 Olli Simula, Esa Alhoniemi: SOM Based Analysis of Pulping Process Data. IWANN (2) 1999: 567-577
3EEOlli Simula, Juha Vesanto, P. Vasara: Analysis of industrial systems using the self-organizing map. KES (1) 1998: 61-68
2EEKimmo Raivio, Jukka Henriksson, Olli Simula: Neural detection of QAM signal with strongly nonlinear receiver. Neurocomputing 21(1-3): 159-171 (1998)
1 Iiro Hartimo, Klaus Kronlöf, Olli Simula, Jorma Skyttä: DFSP: A Data Flow Signal Processor. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(1): 23-33 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Esa Alhoniemi [4] [6]
2Patrick Bas [12] [13]
3Iiro Hartimo [1]
4K. Hatonen [10]
5Jukka Henriksson [2]
6Christian Jutten [12] [13]
7Klaus Kronlöf [1]
8Jaana Laiho [5] [8] [10]
9Pasi Lehtimäki [7] [8] [9] [10]
10Amaury Lendasse [11] [12] [13]
11Yoan Miche [12] [13]
12Erkki Oja [11]
13Kimmo Raivio [2] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
14Jorma Skyttä [1]
15P. Vasara [3]
16Michel Verleysen [11]
17Juha Vesanto [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)