
A. T. Sivaram

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6EEA. T. Sivaram, Pascal Pierra, Shida Sheibani, Nancy Wang-Lee, Jorge E. Solorzano, Lily Tran: Active Tester Interface Unit Design For Data Collection. ITC 2004: 587-596
5EEA. T. Sivaram, Masashi Shimanouchi, Howard Maassen, Robert Jackson: Tester Architecture For The Source Synchronous Bus. ITC 2004: 738-747
4EEA. T. Sivaram, Daniel Fan, Jon Pryce: XML And Java For Open ATE Programming Environment. ITC 2003: 793-801
3EEA. T. Sivaram, William Fritzsche, Toshitaka Koshi, Nam Lai: DUT Capture Using Simultaneous Logic Acquisition. ITC 2002: 280-289
2EEA. T. Sivaram, Daniel Fan, A. Yiin: Efficient Embedded Memory Testing with APG. ITC 2002: 47-54
1 A. T. Sivaram: Split timing mode (STM)-answer to dual frequency domain testing. ITC 2001: 140-147

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Fan [2] [4]
2William Fritzsche [3]
3Robert Jackson [5]
4Toshitaka Koshi [3]
5Nam Lai [3]
6Howard Maassen [5]
7Pascal Pierra [6]
8Jon Pryce [4]
9Shida Sheibani [6]
10Masashi Shimanouchi [5]
11Jorge E. Solorzano [6]
12Lily Tran [6]
13Nancy Wang-Lee [6]
14A. Yiin [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)