
Masashi Shimanouchi

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5EEMasashi Shimanouchi: Timing Accuracy Enhancement by a New Calibration Scheme for Multi-Gbps ATE. ITC 2004: 567-576
4EEA. T. Sivaram, Masashi Shimanouchi, Howard Maassen, Robert Jackson: Tester Architecture For The Source Synchronous Bus. ITC 2004: 738-747
3EEMasashi Shimanouchi: Periodic Jitter Injection with Direct Time Synthesis by SPPTM ATE for SerDes Jitter Tolerance Test in Production. ITC 2003: 48-57
2EEMasashi Shimanouchi: New Paradigm for Signal Paths in ATE Pin Electronics are Needed for Serialcom Device Testing. ITC 2002: 903-912
1 Masashi Shimanouchi: An approach to consistent jitter modeling for various jitter aspects and measurement methods. ITC 2001: 848-857

Coauthor Index

1Robert Jackson [4]
2Howard Maassen [4]
3A. T. Sivaram [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)