
Youzhi Xu

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4EERoger Olsson, Mårten Sjostrom, Youzhi Xu: A Combined Pre-Processing and H.264-Compression Scheme for 3D Integral Images. ICIP 2006: 513-516
3EETingting Zhang, Patrik Österberg, Youzhi Xu: Multicast-Favorable Max-Min Fairness - A General Definition of Multicast Fairness. DFMA 2005: 239-244
2EEYouzhi Xu, Jie Shen, Zhimin Chen: Ontology-based Information Retrieval of Web Services in Virtual Enterprise. IEEE SCC 2004: 441-444
1EEYouzhi Xu, Tingting Zhang: An Adaptive Redundancy Technique for Wireless Indoor Multicasting. ISCC 2000: 607-614

Coauthor Index

1Zhimin Chen [2]
2Roger Olsson [4]
3Patrik Österberg [3]
4Jie Shen [2]
5Mårten Sjostrom [4]
6Tingting Zhang [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)