
Ali Sheikholeslami

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8EEDavid Halupka, Alireza Seyed Rabi, Parham Aarabi, Ali Sheikholeslami: Low-Power Dual-Microphone Speech Enhancement Using Field Programmable Gate Arrays. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(7-1): 3526-3535 (2007)
7EEY. Eslami, Ali Sheikholeslami, P. Glenn Gulak, S. Masui, K. Mukaida: An area-efficient universal cryptography processor for smart cards. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 14(1): 43-56 (2006)
6EEDavid Halupka, Nebu John Mathai, Parham Aarabi, Ali Sheikholeslami: Robust sound localization in 0.18 µm CMOS. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(6): 2243-2250 (2005)
5EEHiromitsu Kimura, Kostas Pagiamtzis, Ali Sheikholeslami, Takahiro Hanyu: A Study of Multiple-Valued Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM) Using Binary MTJ Devices. ISMVL 2004: 340-345
4EENebu John Muthui, Ali Sheikholeslami, Deepa Kundur: VLSI implementation of a real-time video watermark embedder and detector. ISCAS (2) 2003: 772-775
3EEMarcus van Ierssel, Tooraj Esmailian, Ali Sheikholeslami, P. S. Pasupathy: Signaling capacity of FR4 PCB traces for chip-to-chip communication. ISCAS (5) 2003: 85-88
2EEAli Sheikholeslami, R. Yoshimura, P. Glenn Gulak: Look-up Tables (LUTs) for Multiple-Valued, Combinational Logic. ISMVL 1998: 264-269
1EEAli Sheikholeslami, P. Glenn Gulak, Takahiro Hanyu: A Multiple-Valued Ferroelectric Content-Addressable Memory. ISMVL 1996: 74-79

Coauthor Index

1Parham Aarabi [6] [8]
2Y. Eslami [7]
3Tooraj Esmailian [3]
4P. Glenn Gulak [1] [2] [7]
5David Halupka [6] [8]
6Takahiro Hanyu [1] [5]
7Marcus van Ierssel [3]
8Hiromitsu Kimura [5]
9Deepa Kundur [4]
10S. Masui [7]
11Nebu John Mathai [6]
12K. Mukaida [7]
13Nebu John Muthui [4]
14Kostas Pagiamtzis [5]
15P. S. Pasupathy [3]
16Alireza Seyed Rabi [8]
17R. Yoshimura [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)