
Shreyas Sen

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8EEShreyas Sen, Vishwanath Natarajan, Rajarajan Senguttuvan, Abhijit Chatterjee: Pro-VIZOR: process tunable virtually zero margin low power adaptive RF for wireless systems. DAC 2008: 492-497
7EEShreyas Sen, Abhijit Chatterjee: Design of process variation tolerant radio frequency low noise amplifier. ISCAS 2008: 392-395
6EERajarajan Senguttuvan, Shreyas Sen, Abhijit Chatterjee: Concurrent Multi-Dimensional Adaptation for Low-Power Operation in Wireless Devices. VLSI Design 2008: 65-70
5EEVishwanath Natarajan, Rajarajan Senguttuvan, Shreyas Sen, Abhijit Chatterjee: ACT: Adaptive Calibration Test for Performance Enhancement and Increased Testability of Wireless RF Front-Ends. VTS 2008: 215-220
4EERajarajan Senguttuvan, Shreyas Sen, Abhijit Chatterjee: VIZOR: Virtually zero margin adaptive RF for ultra low power wireless communication. ICCD 2007: 580-586
3EET. K. Bhattacharyya, Shreyas Sen, Debashis Mandal, S. K. Lahiri: Development of a Wireless Integrated Toxic and Explosive MEMS Based Gas Sensor. VLSI Design 2006: 721-724
2 Seetharam Narasimhan, Shreyas Sen, Amit Konar: Application of Neural Networks to Biological Data Mining for Automatic Species Identification. IICAI 2005: 1507-1526
1EEShreyas Sen, Seetharam Narasimhan, Amit Konar: A Novel Algorithm for Automatic Species Identification Using Principal Component Analysis. PReMI 2005: 605-610

Coauthor Index

1T. K. Bhattacharyya [3]
2Abhijit Chatterjee [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Amit Konar [1] [2]
4S. K. Lahiri [3]
5Debashis Mandal [3]
6Seetharam Narasimhan [1] [2]
7Vishwanath Natarajan [5] [8]
8Rajarajan Senguttuvan [4] [5] [6] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)