
Cristian Secchi

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9EERoberto Olmi, Cristian Secchi, Cesare Fantuzzi: Coordination of multiple AGVs in an industrial application. ICRA 2008: 1916-1921
8EECristian Secchi, Cesare Fantuzzi: Formation control over delayed communication networks. ICRA 2008: 563-568
7EECristian Secchi, Stefano Stramigioli, Cesare Fantuzzi: Transparency in Port-Hamiltonian-Based Telemanipulation. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24(4): 903-910 (2008)
6EECristian Secchi, Stefano Stramigioli, Cesare Fantuzzi: Intrinsically Passive Force Scaling in Haptic Interfaces. IROS 2006: 2121-2126
5EECristian Secchi, Stefano Stramigioli, Cesare Fantuzzi: Position Drift Compensation in Port-Hamiltonian Based Telemanipulation. IROS 2006: 4211-4216
4EEMarcello Bonfé, Cesare Fantuzzi, Cristian Secchi: Behavioural inheritance in object-oriented models for mechatronic systems. IJMR 1(4): 421-441 (2006)
3 Marcello Bonfé, Cesare Fantuzzi, Cristian Secchi: Verification of Behavioral Substitutability in Object-Oriented Models for Industrial Controllers. ICRA 2005: 3978-3983
2 Cristian Secchi, Cesare Fantuzzi, Marcello Bonfé: On the Use of UML for Modeling Physical Systems. ICRA 2005: 3990-3995
1 Cristian Secchi, Stefano Stramigioli, Cesare Fantuzzi: Digital passive geometric telemanipulation. ICRA 2003: 3290-3295

Coauthor Index

1Marcello Bonfé [2] [3] [4]
2Cesare Fantuzzi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Roberto Olmi [9]
4Stefano Stramigioli [1] [5] [6] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)