
Jeremy Kepner

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15EEJeremy Kepner: Multicore programming in pMatlab using distributed arrays. CLADE 2008: 59-60
14EEPiotr Luszczek, David H. Bailey, Jack Dongarra, Jeremy Kepner, Robert F. Lucas, Rolf Rabenseifner, Daisuke Takahashi: S12 - The HPC Challenge (HPCC) benchmark suite. SC 2006: 213
13EEAllan Snavely, Jeremy Kepner: 99% utilization - Is 99% utilization of a supercomputer a good thing? SC 2006: 37
12EEJack Dongarra, Jeremy Kepner: HPC challenge - The 2006 HPC challenge awards. SC 2006: 4
11EEJeremy Kepner, Bob Lucas, Mootaz Elnozahy, Jim Mitchell, Steve Scott: High productivity - High productivity computing and usable petascale systems. SC 2006: 67
10EEHahn Kim, Jeremy Kepner, Crystal Kahn: Parallel Out-of-Core Matlab for Extreme Virtual Memory. CLUSTER 2005: 1
9EENadya Travinin, Henry Hoffmann, Robert Bond, Hector Chan, Jeremy Kepner, Edmund Wong: Automatic Parallelization with pMapper. CLUSTER 2005: 1-2
8EEJeremy Kepner, Stanley Ahalt: MatlabMPI. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(8): 997-1005 (2004)
7 Jeremy Kepner, Rita Kim: Cluster Detection in Databases: The Adaptive Matched Filter Algorithm and Implementation. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 7(1): 57-79 (2003)
6EEJeremy Kepner: A multi-threaded fast convolver for dynamically parallel image filtering. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 63(3): 360-372 (2003)
5EEEdward Rutledge, Jeremy Kepner: PVL: An Object Oriented Software Library for Parallel Signal Processing. CLUSTER 2001: 74
4 James M. Lebak, Jim Daly, Hank Hoffmann, Jeremy Kepner, Jan Matlis, Patrick Richardson, Edward Rutledge, Glenn Schrader: Software fault recovery for real-time signal processing on massively parallel computers. PPSC 2001
3EEJeremy Kepner: A Multi-Threaded Fast Convolver for Dynamically Parallel Image Filtering CoRR astro-ph/0107084: (2001)
2 Jeremy Kepner, Maya Gokhale, Ronald Minnich, Aaron Marks, John DeGood: Interfacing interpreted and compiled languages to support applications on a massively parallel network of workstations (MP-NOW). Cluster Computing 3(1): 35-44 (2000)
1EEJeremy Kepner, Maya Gokhale, Ronald Minnich, Aaron Marks, John DeGood: Interfacing Interpreted and Compiled Languages to Support Applications on a Massively Parallel Network of Workstations (MP-NOW) CoRR astro-ph/9912134: (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Stanley Ahalt [8]
2David H. Bailey [14]
3Robert Bond [9]
4Hector Chan [9]
5Jim Daly [4]
6John DeGood [1] [2]
7Jack Dongarra [12] [14]
8Mootaz Elnozahy [11]
9Maya Gokhale [1] [2]
10Henry Hoffmann (Hank Hoffmann) [4] [9]
11Crystal Kahn [10]
12Hahn Kim [10]
13Rita Kim [7]
14James M. Lebak [4]
15Bob Lucas [11]
16Robert F. Lucas [14]
17Piotr Luszczek [14]
18Aaron Marks [1] [2]
19Jan Matlis [4]
20Ronald Minnich [1] [2]
21Jim Mitchell [11]
22Rolf Rabenseifner [14]
23Patrick Richardson [4]
24Edward Rutledge [4] [5]
25Glenn Schrader [4]
26Steve Scott [11]
27Allan Snavely [13]
28Daisuke Takahashi [14]
29Nadya Travinin [9]
30Edmund Wong [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)