
Johannes Schuck

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5EEHans Sahm, Claus Mayer, Jörg Pleickhardt, Johannes Schuck, Stefan Späth: VDHL Development System and Coding Standard. DAC 1996: 777-782
4 G. Mahlich, G.-H. Huaman-Bollo, J. Preißner, Johannes Schuck, Hans Sahm, P. Weingart, D. Weinsziehr, J. Yeandel: One-Chip System Integration for GSM with the DSP KISS-16V2. ICCD 1992: 179-182
3 J. Preißner, G.-H. Huaman-Bollo, G. Mahlich, Johannes Schuck, Hans Sahm, P. Weingart, D. Weinsziehr, J. Yeandel, R. Evans: An Open Modular Test Concept for the DSP KISS-16Vs. ITC 1992: 678-683
2EEJohannes Schuck, Norbert Wehn, Manfred Glesner, G. Kamp: The ALGIC Silicon Compiler System: Implementation, Design Experience and Results. DAC 1987: 370-375
1EEManfred Glesner, Johannes Schuck, R. B. Steck: SCAT - a new statistical timing verifier in a silicon compiler system. DAC 1986: 220-226

Coauthor Index

1R. Evans [3]
2Manfred Glesner [1] [2]
3G.-H. Huaman-Bollo [3] [4]
4G. Kamp [2]
5G. Mahlich [3] [4]
6Claus Mayer [5]
7Jörg Pleickhardt [5]
8J. Preißner [3] [4]
9Hans Sahm [3] [4] [5]
10Stefan Späth [5]
11R. B. Steck [1]
12Norbert Wehn [2]
13P. Weingart [3] [4]
14D. Weinsziehr [3] [4]
15J. Yeandel [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)