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4. INDC 1992: Espoo, Finland

Martti Tienari, Dipak Khakhar (Eds.): Information Network and Data Communication, IV, Proceedings of the IFIP TC6 International Conference on Information Network and Data Communication, IV, Espoo, Finland, 16-19 March, 1992. IFIP Transactions C-6 North-Holland 1992, ISBN 0-444-89751-8 BibTeX
  editor    = {Martti Tienari and
               Dipak Khakhar},
  title     = {Information Network and Data Communication, IV, Proceedings of
               the IFIP TC6 International Conference on Information Network
               and Data Communication, IV, Espoo, Finland, 16-19 March, 1992},
  booktitle = {INDC},
  publisher = {North-Holland},
  series    = {IFIP Transactions},
  volume    = {C-6},
  year      = {1992},
  isbn      = {0-444-89751-8},
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}

Open Distributed Systems

High Speed Networking

Protocol Engineering

Communications Systems Technology

Networking Applications

Techniques for Distributed Systems

Analysis of Network Protocols

Networking Strategies

Copyright © Sat May 16 23:23:52 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)