
Robert Hess

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5 Mirko Benz, Robert Hess, Tino Hutschenreuther, Sascha Kümmel, Alexander Schill: A Framework for High Quality/Low Cost Conferencing Systems. IDMS 1999: 305-320
4 Dagmar Geske, Robert Hess: Fast and predictable video compression in software design and implementation of an H.261 codec. SYBEN 1998: 498-508
3EERobert Hess, Dagmar Geske, Sascha Kümmel, Henrik Thuermer: Distributed Compression of Live Video - An Application for Active Networks. Services and Visualization: Towards User-Friendly Design 1998: 44-60
2EERobert Hess, Tino Hutschenreuther, Ralf Lehmann, Alexander Schill: Architecture and Implementation for Scalable Transfer of Live Videos in Multimedia Applications. EUROMICRO 1996: 572-580
1 Robert Hess, Tino Hutschenreuther, Alexander Schill: Video Communication and Media Scaling System "Xnetvideo": Design and Implementation. IDMS 1996: 195-210

Coauthor Index

1Mirko Benz [5]
2Dagmar Geske [3] [4]
3Tino Hutschenreuther [1] [2] [5]
4Sascha Kümmel [3] [5]
5Ralf Lehmann [2]
6Alexander Schill [1] [2] [5]
7Henrik Thuermer [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)