
Thomas Ziegert

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16EEKurt Adamer, David Bannach, Tobias Klug, Paul Lukowicz, Marco Luca Sbodio, Mimi Tresman, Andreas Zinnen, Thomas Ziegert: Developing a Wearable Assistant for Hospital Ward Rounds: An Experience Report. IOT 2008: 289-307
15 Gerald Hübsch, Thomas Springer, Axel Spriestersbach, Thomas Ziegert: An Integrated Platform for Mobile, Context-Aware, and Adaptive Enterprise Applications. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005: 1105-1124
14EEThomas Ziegert, Markus Lauff, Lutz Heuser: Device Independent Web Applications - The Author Once - Display Everywhere Approach. ICWE 2004: 244-255
13EEGerald Hübsch, Thomas Springer, Alexander Schill, Axel Spriestersbach, Thomas Ziegert: Systemlösungen für die Entwicklung adaptiver Anwendungen für mobile und ubiquitäre Infrastrukturen. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 229: (2003)
12EESteffen Göbel, Sven Buchholz, Thomas Ziegert, Alexander Schill: Software Architecture for the Adaptation of Dialogs and Contents to Different Devices. ICOIN (2) 2002: 42-51
11 Thomas Ziegert: Lokalisierung mobiler Teilnehmer unter Berücksichtigung regelmäßigen Vehaltens. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2001: 265-278
10EESven Buchholz, Alexander Schill, Thomas Ziegert: A simulation study of update techniques for cyclic data broadcast. MSWiM 2001: 115-122
9EEAxel Spriestersbach, Hartmut Vogler, F. Lehmann, Thomas Ziegert: Integrating context information into enterprise applications for the mobile workforce - a case study. Workshop Mobile Commerce 2001: 55-59
8EEAlexander Schill, Thomas Springer, Thomas Ziegert: Unterstützungsmechanismen für Mobile-Computing-Systeme. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 16(4): 200-212 (2001)
7EESven Buchholz, Thomas Ziegert, Alexander Schill, Albert Held: Transaction Processing in a Mobile Computing Environment with Alternating Client Hosts. RIDE 2000: 1-8
6 Thomas Springer, Thomas Ziegert, Alexander Schill: Mobile Agents as an Enabling Technology for Mobile Computing Applications. KI 14(4): 55-61 (2000)
5EEAlexander Schill, Sascha Kümmel, Thomas Springer, Thomas Ziegert: Two approaches for an adaptive multimedia transfer service for mobile environments. Computers & Graphics 23(6): 849-856 (1999)
4EEAlexander Schill, Albert Held, Wito Böhmak, Thomas Springer, Thomas Ziegert: An Agent Based Application for Personalized Vehicular Traffic Management. Mobile Agents 1998: 99-111
3 D. Gollnick, Sascha Kümmel, Alexander Schill, Thomas Ziegert: Off-Line Verteilung multimedialer Daten in mobilen Systemen. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1997: 359-372
2 Christian Mittasch, Klaus Irmscher, Thomas Ziegert, T. Lodderstedt, St. Müller, K. Sommerfeld: User services in BPAFrame, a framework for workflow-management-systems. IFIP World Conference on IT Tools 1996: 303-310
1 Sascha Kümmel, Alexander Schill, K. Schumann, Thomas Ziegert: An Adaptive Data Distribution System for Mobile Environments. IFIP World Conference on Mobile Communications 1996: 159-166

Coauthor Index

1Kurt Adamer [16]
2David Bannach [16]
3Wito Böhmak [4]
4Sven Buchholz [7] [10] [12]
5Steffen Göbel [12]
6D. Gollnick [3]
7Albert Held [4] [7]
8Lutz Heuser [14]
9Gerald Hübsch [13] [15]
10Klaus Irmscher [2]
11Tobias Klug [16]
12Sascha Kümmel [1] [3] [5]
13Markus Lauff [14]
14F. Lehmann [9]
15T. Lodderstedt [2]
16Paul Lukowicz [16]
17Christian Mittasch [2]
18St. Müller [2]
19Marco Luca Sbodio [16]
20Alexander Schill [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [12] [13]
21K. Schumann [1]
22K. Sommerfeld [2]
23Axel Spriestersbach [9] [13] [15]
24Thomas Springer [4] [5] [6] [8] [13] [15]
25Mimi Tresman [16]
26Hartmut Vogler [9]
27Andreas Zinnen [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)