
Hermann Härtig

Hermann Haertig

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44EEMarcus Völp, Claude-Joachim Hamann, Hermann Härtig: Avoiding timing channels in fixed-priority schedulers. ASIACCS 2008: 44-55
43EECarsten Weinhold, Hermann Härtig: VPFS: building a virtual private file system with a small trusted computing base. EuroSys 2008: 81-93
42EEAlexander Böttcher, Bernhard Kauer, Hermann Härtig: Trusted Computing Serving an Anonymity Service. TRUST 2008: 143-154
41EEClaude-Joachim Hamann, Michael Roitzsch, Lars Reuther, Jean Wolter, Hermann Härtig: Probabilistic Admission Control to Govern Real-Time Systems under Overload. ECRTS 2007: 211-222
40EEHermann Härtig, Steffen Zschaler, Martin Pohlack, Ronald Aigner, Steffen Göbel, Christoph Pohl, Simone Röttger: Enforceable component-based realtime contracts. Real-Time Systems 35(1): 1-31 (2007)
39EELenin Singaravelu, Calton Pu, Hermann Härtig, Christian Helmuth: Reducing TCB complexity for security-sensitive applications: three case studies. EuroSys 2006: 161-174
38EEHermann Härtig, Michael Hohmuth, Norman Feske, Christian Helmuth, Adam Lackorzynski, Frank Mehnert, Michael Peter: The Nizza secure-system architecture. CollaborateCom 2005
37EEUdo Steinberg, Jean Wolter, Hermann Härtig: Fast Component Interaction for Real-Time Systems. ECRTS 2005: 89-97
36EEMichael Hohmuth, Michael Peter, Hermann Härtig, Jonathan S. Shapiro: Reducing TCB size by using untrusted components: small kernels versus virtual-machine monitors. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2004: 22
35EEJork Löser, Hermann Härtig: Low-Latency Hard Real-Time Communication over Switched Ethernet. ECRTS 2004: 13-22
34EEJork Löser, Hermann Härtig: Using Switched Ethernet for Hard Real-Time Communication. PARELEC 2004: 349-353
33EENorman Feske, Hermann Härtig: DOpE - a Window Server for Real-Time and Embedded Systems. RTSS 2003: 74-77
32EERonald Aigner, Henrike Berthold, Elke Franz, Steffen Göbel, Hermann Härtig, Heinrich Hußmann, Klaus Meißner, Klaus Meyer-Wegener, Marcus Meyerhöfer, Andreas Pfitzmann, Simone Röttger, Alexander Schill, Thomas Springer, Frank Wehner: COMQUAD: Komponentenbasierte Softwaresysteme mit zusagbaren quantitativen Eigenschaften und Adaptionsfähigkeit. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 18(1): 39-40 (2003)
31EEHermann Härtig: Security architectures revisited. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2002: 16-23
30EEFrank Mehnert, Michael Hohmuth, Hermann Härtig: Cost and Benefit of Separate Address Spaces in Real-Time Operating Systems. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 2002: 124-133
29EEJork Löser, Hermann Härtig, Lars Reuther: A Streaming Interface for Real-Time Interprocess Communication. HotOS 2001: 174
28EEClaude-Joachim Hamann, Lars Reuther, Jork Wolter, Hermann Härtig, Jork Löser, Sebastian Schönberg: Quality-Assuring Scheduling-Using Stochastic Behavior to Improve Resource Utilization. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 2001: 119-128
27EEMichael Hohmuth, Hermann Härtig: Pragmatic Nonblocking Synchronization for Real-Time Systems. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track 2001: 217-230
26EEUwe Dannowski, Hermann Härtig: Policing Offloaded. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2000: 218-227
25EEHermann Härtig, Robert Baumgartl, Martin Borriss, Claude-Joachim Hamann, Michael Hohmuth, Frank Mehnert, Lars Reuther, Sebastian Schönberg, Jean Wolter: DROPS: OS support for distributed multimedia applications. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1998: 203-209
24EEMartin Borriss, Hermann Härtig: Design and Implementation of a Real-Time ATM-Based Protocol Server. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1998: 242-
23 Lars Reuther, Hermann Härtig: Kapselung mobiler Programme. ARCS 1997: 251-260
22 Hermann Härtig, Lars Reuther: Encapsulating Mobile Objects. ICDCS 1997: 0-
21EEJochen Liedtke, Hermann Härtig, Michael Hohmuth: OS-Controlled Cache Predictability for Real-Time Systems. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1997: 213-
20 Hermann Härtig, Michael Hohmuth, Jochen Liedtke, Sebastian Schönberg, Jean Wolter: The Performance of µKernel-Based Systems. SOSP 1997: 66-77
19 Jochen Liedtke, Kevin Elphinstone, Sebastian Schönberg, Hermann Härtig, Gernot Heiser, Nayeem Islam, Trent Jaeger: Achieved IPC Performance. Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems 1997: 28-31
18 Susann Sonntag, Hermann Härtig, Oliver C. Kowalski, Winfried E. Kühnhauser, Wolfgang Lux: Adaptability using Reflection. HICSS (2) 1994: 383-393
17 Hermann Härtig, Oliver C. Kowalski, Winfried E. Kühnhauser: The BirliX Security Architecture. Journal of Computer Security 2: 5-22 (1993)
16EEHermann Härtig, Winfried E. Kühnhauser, Wolfgang Lux, Oliver C. Kowalski, Hermann Streich, A. Bäcker: Models and paradigms for distributed systems structuring: the BirliX approach. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1992
15 P. Schüller, Hermann Härtig, Winfried E. Kühnhauser: Performance of the BirLiX Operating System. USENIX Workshop on Microkernels and Other Kernel Architectures 1992: 147-160
14 Hermann Härtig, Winfried E. Kühnhauser, Jochen Liedtke: Issues in Security and Fault Tolerance. Operating Systems of the 90s and Beyond 1991: 212-216
13 Michael Groß, Hermann Härtig, Oliver C. Kowalski: Auf dem Weg zu einer Sicherheitsachitektur. VIS 1991: 179-189
12EEHermann Härtig: Position statement. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1990
11 Hermann Härtig, Winfried E. Kühnhauser, Oliver C. Kowalski, Wolfgang Lux, W. Reck, Hermann Streich, Gerhard Goos: The Architecture of the BIRLIX Operating System. ARCS 1990: 339-354
10 W. Reck, Hermann Härtig: Software Configuration Management for Medium-Size Systems. CAiSE 1990: 79-87
9 Oliver C. Kowalski, Hermann Härtig: Protection in the BirliX Operating System. ICDCS 1990: 160-166
8 Hermann Härtig: Position Statement for the Panel Discussion. Process in Distributed Operating Systems and Distributed Systems Management 1989: 200
7 Wolfgang Lux, Hermann Härtig, Winfried E. Kühnhauser: On the Implementation of Abstract Data Types in BirliX. Process in Distributed Operating Systems and Distributed Systems Management 1989: 87-109
6 Hermann Härtig, Winfried E. Kühnhauser, Wolfgang Lux, Hermann Streich, Gerhard Goos: Distribution and Recovery in the BirliX Operating System. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1987: 190-201
5 Hermann Härtig, Winfried E. Kühnhauser: Distribution in the BirliX Operating System. ARCS 1986: 345-357
4 Andreas Pfitzmann, Hermann Härtig: Grenzwerte der Zurverlässigkeit von Parallel-Serien-Systemen. Fehlertolerierende Rechensysteme 1982: 1-16
3 Hermann Härtig, Thomas Krause, Andreas Pfitzmann: Rechnerunterstützte Konstruktion von Spezialrechnern aus Programmen anwendungsorientierter höherer Programmiersprachen. GI Jahrestagung 1982: 105-119
2 Hermann Härtig: Spezialisierung von Befehlssätzen - Das aktuelle Schlagwort. Informatik Spektrum 5(2): 121-122 (1982)
1 Hermann Härtig, Thomas Krause: COPRA - Eine auf Concurrent Pascal basierende Rechner-Architektur. Hardware für Software 1980: 155-169

Coauthor Index

1Ronald Aigner [32] [40]
2A. Bäcker [16]
3Robert Baumgartl [25]
4Henrike Berthold [32]
5Martin Borriss [24] [25]
6Alexander Böttcher [42]
7Uwe Dannowski [26]
8Kevin Elphinstone [19]
9Norman Feske [33] [38]
10Elke Franz [32]
11Steffen Göbel [32] [40]
12Gerhard Goos [6] [11]
13Michael Groß [13]
14Claude-Joachim Hamann [25] [28] [41] [44]
15Gernot Heiser [19]
16Christian Helmuth [38] [39]
17Michael Hohmuth [20] [21] [25] [27] [30] [36] [38]
18Heinrich Hußmann (Heinrich Hussmann) [32]
19Nayeem Islam [19]
20Trent Jaeger [19]
21Bernhard Kauer [42]
22Oliver C. Kowalski [9] [11] [13] [16] [17] [18]
23Thomas Krause [1] [3]
24Winfried E. Kühnhauser [5] [6] [7] [11] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
25Adam Lackorzynski [38]
26Jochen Liedtke [14] [19] [20] [21]
27Jork Löser [28] [29] [34] [35]
28Wolfgang Lux [6] [7] [11] [16] [18]
29Frank Mehnert [25] [30] [38]
30Klaus Meißner [32]
31Klaus Meyer-Wegener [32]
32Marcus Meyerhöfer [32]
33Michael Peter [36] [38]
34Andreas Pfitzmann [3] [4] [32]
35Christoph Pohl [40]
36Martin Pohlack [40]
37Calton Pu [39]
38W. Reck [10] [11]
39Lars Reuther [22] [23] [25] [28] [29] [41]
40Michael Roitzsch [41]
41Simone Röttger [32] [40]
42Alexander Schill [32]
43Sebastian Schönberg [19] [20] [25] [28]
44P. Schüller [15]
45Jonathan S. Shapiro [36]
46Lenin Singaravelu [39]
47Susann Sonntag [18]
48Thomas Springer [32]
49Udo Steinberg [37]
50Hermann Streich [6] [11] [16]
51Marcus Völp [44]
52Frank Wehner [32]
53Carsten Weinhold [43]
54Jean Wolter [20] [25] [37] [41]
55Jork Wolter [28]
56Steffen Zschaler [40]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)