
Michael Scheppler

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5EEFrancisco-Javier Veredas, Michael Scheppler, Hans-Jörg Pfleiderer: Automated conversion from a LUT-based FPGA to a LUT-based MPGA with fast turnaround time. DATE Designers' Forum 2006: 36-41
4EEFrancisco-Javier Veredas, Michael Scheppler, Bumei Zhai, Hans-Jörg Pfleiderer: LUT-based MPGAs for fast turnaround time conversion flow. ISCAS 2006
3EEFrancisco-Javier Veredas, Michael Scheppler, Bumei Zhai, Hans-Jörg Pfleiderer: Regular Routing Architecture for a LUT-based MPGA. ISVLSI 2006: 257-262
2 Francisco-Javier Veredas, Michael Scheppler, Will Moffat, Bingfeng Mei: Custom Implementation of the Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable ADRES Architecture for Multimedia Purposes. FPL 2005: 106-111
1EEMarkus Hütter, Holger Bock, Michael Scheppler: A New Reconfigurable Architecture for Single Cycle Context Switching. IPDPS 2003: 186

Coauthor Index

1Holger Bock [1]
2Markus Hütter [1]
3Bingfeng Mei [2]
4Will Moffat [2]
5Hans-Jörg Pfleiderer [3] [4] [5]
6Francisco-Javier Veredas [2] [3] [4] [5]
7Bumei Zhai [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)