
Daniele Paolo Scarpazza

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11EEDaniele Paolo Scarpazza, Oreste Villa, Fabrizio Petrini: Exact multi-pattern string matching on the cell/b.e. processor. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2008: 33-42
10EEDaniele Paolo Scarpazza, Oreste Villa, Fabrizio Petrini: High-speed string searching against large dictionaries on the Cell/B.E. Processor. IPDPS 2008: 1-12
9EEOreste Villa, Daniele Paolo Scarpazza, Fabrizio Petrini: Accelerating Real-Time String Searching with Multicore Processors. IEEE Computer 41(4): 42-50 (2008)
8EEDaniele Paolo Scarpazza, Oreste Villa, Fabrizio Petrini: Efficient Breadth-First Search on the Cell/BE Processor. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(10): 1381-1395 (2008)
7EEDaniele Paolo Scarpazza, Patrick Mullaney, Oreste Villa, Fabrizio Petrini, Vinod Tipparaju, D. M. L. Brown, Jarek Nieplocha: Transparent system-level migration of PGAS applications using Xen on InfiniBand. CLUSTER 2007: 74-83
6EEZhe Ma, Daniele Paolo Scarpazza, Francky Catthoor: Run-time Task Overlapping on Multiprocessor Platforms. ESTImedia 2007: 47-52
5EEOreste Villa, Daniele Paolo Scarpazza, Fabrizio Petrini, Juan Fernández Peinador: Challenges in Mapping Graph Exploration Algorithms on Advanced Multi-core Processors. IPDPS 2007: 1-10
4EEDaniele Paolo Scarpazza, Oreste Villa, Fabrizio Petrini: Peak-Performance DFA-based String Matching on the Cell Processor. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
3EEDaniele Paolo Scarpazza, Praveen Raghavan, David Novo, Francky Catthoor, Diederik Verkest: Software Simultaneous Multi-Threading, a Technique to Exploit Task-Level Parallelism to Improve Instruction- and Data-Level Parallelism. PATMOS 2006: 12-23
2EEDaniele Paolo Scarpazza, Carlo Brandolese: A Fast, Dynamic, Fine-Detail, Source Level Technique to Estimate the Energy Consumed by Embedded Software on Single-Issue Processor Cores. J. Low Power Electronics 2(2): 129-139 (2006)
1EEWilliam Fornaciari, Fabio Salice, Daniele Paolo Scarpazza: Early estimation of the size of VHDL projects. CODES+ISSS 2003: 207-212

Coauthor Index

1Carlo Brandolese [2]
2D. M. L. Brown [7]
3Francky Catthoor [3] [6]
4William Fornaciari [1]
5Zhe Ma [6]
6Patrick Mullaney [7]
7Jarek Nieplocha [7]
8David Novo [3]
9Juan Fernández Peinador (Juan Fernández) [5]
10Fabrizio Petrini [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
11Praveen Raghavan [3]
12Fabio Salice [1]
13Vinod Tipparaju [7]
14Diederik Verkest [3]
15Oreste Villa [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)