
Willemien Visser

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24EEWillemien Visser: Design: One, but in different forms CoRR abs/0708.1725: (2007)
23EEWillemien Visser: L'analyse de l'expertise du point de vue de l'ergonomie cognitive CoRR abs/0710.4999: (2007)
22EEWillemien Visser: Dynamic aspects of individual design activities. A cognitive ergonomics viewpoint CoRR abs/0711.1226: (2007)
21EEWillemien Visser: Designing as Construction of Representations: A Dynamic Viewpoint in Cognitive Design Research CoRR abs/0711.1227: (2007)
20EEWillemien Visser: Conception individuelle et collective. Approche de l'ergonomie cognitive [Individual and Collective Design. The Cognitive-Ergonomics Approach] CoRR abs/0711.1290: (2007)
19EEPierre N. Robillard, Patrick d'Astous, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser: Measuring Cognitive Activities in Software Engineering CoRR abs/cs/0702001: (2007)
18EEPatrick d'Astous, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser, Pierre N. Robillard: Changing our view on design evaluation meetings methodology: a study of software technical review meetings CoRR abs/cs/0611153: (2006)
17EEFrançoise Détienne, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Willemien Visser: Cognitive Effort in Collective Software Design: Methodological Perspectives in Cognitive Ergonomics CoRR abs/cs/0611159: (2006)
16EEWillemien Visser, Brigitte Trousse: Reuse of designs: Desperately seeking an interdisciplinary cognitive approach CoRR abs/cs/0612002: (2006)
15EEPatrick d'Astous, Pierre N. Robillard, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser: Quantitative Measurements of the Influence of Participant Roles during Peer Review Meetings CoRR abs/cs/0612005: (2006)
14EEWillemien Visser: Evocation and elaboration of solutions: Different types of problem-solving actions. An empirical study on the design of an aerospace artifact CoRR abs/cs/0612006: (2006)
13EEWillemien Visser, Françoise Détienne: Articulation entre composantes verbale et graphico-gestuelle de l'interaction dans des réunions de conception architecturale CoRR abs/cs/0612010: (2006)
12EEFrançoise Détienne, Willemien Visser: Multimodality and parallelism in design interaction: co-designers' alignment and coalitions CoRR abs/cs/0612021: (2006)
11EEWillemien Visser: Both Generic Design and Different Forms of Designing CoRR abs/cs/0612022: (2006)
10EESébastien Chalmé, Willemien Visser, Michel Denis: Planification d'itinéraires urbains: pistes pour un système d'assistance. IHM 2002: 247-250
9EEEmmanuel Duplàa, Willemien Visser: " e-Ti ", prototype d'assistance à la planification d'itinéraires multimodaux: spécifications ergonomiques pour une application web sur la base d'une démarche expérimentale. IHM 2002: 65-72
8 Patrick d'Astous, Pierre N. Robillard, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser: Quantitative Measurements of the Influence of Participant Roles during Peer Review Meetings. Empirical Software Engineering 6(2): 143-159 (2001)
7EEPierre N. Robillard, Patrick d'Astous, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser: An empirical method based on protocol analysis to analyze technical review meetings. CASCON 1998: 20
6 Pierre N. Robillard, Patrick d'Astous, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser: Measuring Cognitive Activities in Software Engineering. ICSE 1998: 292-300
5 Willemien Visser: Reuse of Knowledge: Emperical Studies. ICCBR 1995: 335-346
4 Willemien Visser: Organisation of Design Activities: Opportunistic, with Hierarchical Episodes. Interacting with Computers 6(3): 235-274 (1994)
3EEWillemien Visser: Designers' activities examined at three levels: organization, strategies and problem-solving processes. Knowl.-Based Syst. 5(1): 92-104 (1992)
2 Willemien Visser: More or Less Following a Plan During Design: Opportunistic Deviations in Specification. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 33(3): 247-278 (1990)
1 Willemien Visser, Alexandre Morais: Concurrent use of different expertise elicitaion methods applied to the study of the programming activity. Informatics and Psychology Workshop 1989: 97-113

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Marie Burkhardt [17]
2Sébastien Chalmé [10]
3Michel Denis [10]
4Françoise Détienne [6] [7] [8] [12] [13] [15] [17] [18] [19]
5Emmanuel Duplàa [9]
6Alexandre Morais [1]
7Pierre N. Robillard [6] [7] [8] [15] [18] [19]
8Brigitte Trousse [16]
9Patrick d'Astous [6] [7] [8] [15] [18] [19]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)