
Bernhard M. Riess

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5EEGuenter Stenz, Bernhard M. Riess, Bernhard Rohfleisch, Frank M. Johannes: Performance optimization by interacting netlist transformations andplacement. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 19(3): 350-358 (2000)
4EEGuenter Stenz, Bernhard M. Riess, Bernhard Rohfleisch, Frank M. Johannes: Timing driven placement in interaction with netlist transformations. ISPD 1997: 36-41
3EEBernhard M. Riess, Heiko A. Giselbrecht, Bernd Wurth: A new K-way partitioning approach for multiple types of FPGAs. ASP-DAC 1995
2 Bernhard M. Riess, Gisela G. Ettelt: Speed: Fast and Efficient Timing Driven Placement. ISCAS 1995: 377-380
1EEBernhard M. Riess, Konrad Doll, Frank M. Johannes: Partitioning Very Large Circuits Using Analytical Placement Techniques. DAC 1994: 646-651

Coauthor Index

1Konrad Doll [1]
2Gisela G. Ettelt [2]
3Heiko A. Giselbrecht [3]
4Frank M. Johannes [1] [4] [5]
5Bernhard Rohfleisch [4] [5]
6Guenter Stenz [4] [5]
7Bernd Wurth [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)