
Davide Quaglia

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11EEAndrea Acquaviva, Franco Fummi, Giovanni Perbellini, Davide Quaglia: An energy-aware co-simulation framework for the design of wireless sensor networks. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2008: 375-378
10EEFranco Fummi, Davide Quaglia, Francesco Stefanni: Network Fault Model for Dependability Assessment of Networked Embedded Systems. DFT 2008: 54-62
9EEFranco Fummi, Davide Quaglia, Francesco Stefanni: A SystemC-based Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Networked Embedded Systems. FDL 2008: 49-54
8EEE. Alessio, Franco Fummi, Davide Quaglia, Maura Turolla: Modeling and simulation alternatives for the design of networked embedded systems. DATE 2007: 1030-1035
7EEFranco Fummi, Giovanni Perbellini, R. Pietrangeli, Davide Quaglia: Interactive presentation: A middleware-centric design flow for networked embedded systems. DATE 2007: 1048-1053
6EENicola Bombieri, Franco Fummi, Davide Quaglia: TLM/network design space exploration for networked embedded systems. CODES+ISSS 2006: 58-63
5EEFranco Fummi, Davide Quaglia, Fabio Ricciato, Maura Turolla: Modeling and simulation of mobile gateways interacting with wireless sensor networks. DATE Designers' Forum 2006: 106-111
4EEEnrico Masala, Davide Quaglia: Perceptually optimized MPEG compression of synthetic video sequences. ICIP (1) 2005: 601-604
3EEBartolomeo Montrucchio, Davide Quaglia: New sorting-based lossless motion estimation algorithms and a partial distortion elimination performance analysis. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 15(2): 210-220 (2005)
2EEDavide Quaglia, Angelo Gattuso: Model-based MPEG compression of synthetic video sequences. ICIP 2004: 1109-1112
1EEJuan Carlos De Martin, Davide Quaglia: Distortion-Based Packet Marking For Mpeg Video Transmission Over Diffserv Networks. ICME 2001

Coauthor Index

1Andrea Acquaviva [11]
2E. Alessio [8]
3Nicola Bombieri [6]
4Franco Fummi [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
5Angelo Gattuso [2]
6Juan Carlos De Martin [1]
7Enrico Masala [4]
8Bartolomeo Montrucchio [3]
9Giovanni Perbellini [7] [11]
10R. Pietrangeli [7]
11Fabio Ricciato [5]
12Francesco Stefanni [9] [10]
13Maura Turolla [5] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)