
Timothy J. Shimeall

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9EEM. Patrick Collins, Timothy J. Shimeall, Sidney Faber, Jeff Janies, Rhiannon Weaver, Markus De Shon, Joseph B. Kadane: Using uncleanliness to predict future botnet addresses. Internet Measurement Comference 2007: 93-104
8 Sun Sup So, Sung Deok Cha, Timothy J. Shimeall, Yong Rae Kwon: An empirical evaluation of six methods to detect faults in software. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 12(3): 155-171 (2002)
7EERoss J. Anderson, Terry Bollinger, Doug Brown, Enrique Draier, Philip Machanick, Gary McGraw, Nancy R. Mead, Arthur B. Pyster, Howard Schmidt, Timothy J. Shimeall: Roundtable on Information Security Policy. IEEE Software 17(5): (2000)
6EETimothy J. Shimeall, John J. McDermott: Software Security in an Internet World: An Executive Summary. IEEE Software 16(4): 58-61 (1999)
5EETimothy J. Shimeall, Michael Friedman, John Chilenski, Jeffrey M. Voas: Views on Software Testability (Panel Abstract). ISSTA 1994: 240
4 Nancy G. Leveson, Stephen S. Cha, Timothy J. Shimeall: Safety Verification of Ada Programs Using Software Fault Trees. IEEE Software 8(4): 48-59 (1991)
3EETimothy J. Shimeall, Nancy G. Leveson: An Empirical Comparison of Software Fault Tolerance and Fault Elimination. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(2): 173-182 (1991)
2EENancy G. Leveson, Stephen S. Cha, John C. Knight, Timothy J. Shimeall: The Use of Self Checks and Voting in Software Error Detection: An Empirical Study. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(4): 432-443 (1990)
1 Stephen S. Cha, Nancy G. Leveson, Timothy J. Shimeall: Safety Verification in Murphy Using Fault Tree Analysis. ICSE 1988: 377-387

Coauthor Index

1Ross J. Anderson [7]
2Terry Bollinger [7]
3Doug Brown [7]
4Stephen S. Cha [1] [2] [4]
5Sung Deok Cha [8]
6John Chilenski [5]
7M. Patrick Collins [9]
8Enrique Draier [7]
9Sidney Faber [9]
10Michael Friedman [5]
11Jeff Janies [9]
12Joseph B. Kadane [9]
13John C. Knight [2]
14Yong Rae Kwon [8]
15Nancy G. Leveson [1] [2] [3] [4]
16Philip Machanick [7]
17John J. McDermott [6]
18Gary McGraw [7]
19Nancy R. Mead [7]
20Arthur B. Pyster [7]
21Howard Schmidt [7]
22Markus De Shon [9]
23Sun Sup So [8]
24Jeffrey M. Voas [5]
25Rhiannon Weaver [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)