
Peter P. Puschner

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55EERaimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: Obstacles in Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis. ISORC 2008: 333-339
54EEIngomar Wenzel, Raimund Kirner, Bernhard Rieder, Peter P. Puschner: Measurement-Based Timing Analysis. ISoLA 2008: 430-444
53EEGuenter Khyo, Peter P. Puschner, Martin Delvai: An Operating System for a Time-Predictable Computing Node. SEUS 2008: 150-161
52EEPeter P. Puschner, Martin Schoeberl: On Composable System Timing, Task Timing, and WCET Analysis. WCET 2008
51EEBernhard Rieder, Peter P. Puschner, Ingomar Wenzel: Using model checking to derive loop bounds of general loops within ANSI-C applications for measurement based WCET analysis. WISES 2008: 1-7
50EEReinhard Wilhelm, Jakob Engblom, Andreas Ermedahl, Niklas Holsti, Stephan Thesing, David B. Whalley, Guillem Bernat, Christian Ferdinand, Reinhold Heckmann, Tulika Mitra, Frank Mueller, Isabelle Puaut, Peter P. Puschner, Jan Staschulat, Per Stenström: The worst-case execution-time problem - overview of methods and survey of tools. ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 7(3): (2008)
49 Roman Obermaisser, Yunmook Nah, Peter P. Puschner, Franz-Josef Rammig: Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems, 5th IFIP WG 10.2 International Workshop, SEUS 2007, Santorini Island, Greece, May 2007. Revised Papers Springer 2007
48EEBernhard Rieder, Ingomar Wenzel, Klaus Steinhammer, Peter P. Puschner: Using a Runtime Measurement Device with Measurement-Based WCET Analysis. IESS 2007: 15-26
47EESusanne Kandl, Raimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: Automated Formal Verification and Testing of C Programs for Embedded Systems. ISORC 2007: 373-381
46EERaimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: Time-Predictable Task Preemption for Real-Time Systems with Direct-Mapped Instruction Cache. ISORC 2007: 87-93
45EEIngomar Wenzel, Raimund Kirner, Bernhard Rieder, Peter P. Puschner: Cross-Platform Verification Framework for Embedded Systems. SEUS 2007: 137-148
44EEPeter P. Puschner, Raimund Kirner: From Time-Triggered to Time-Deterministic Real-Time Systems. DIPES 2006: 115-124
43EERaimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner, Ingomar Wenzel, Bernhard Rieder: Portable Data Exchange for Remote-Testing Frameworks. ISORC 2006: 476-484
42EERaimund Kirner, Markus Grössing, Peter P. Puschner: Comparing WCET and Resource Demands of Trigonometric Functions Implemented as Iterative Calculations vs. Table-Lookup. WCET 2006
41EEMoon Kim, Peter P. Puschner: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue. Real-Time Systems 32(3): 171-173 (2006)
40EEJan Gustafsson, Björn Lisper, Raimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: Code Analysis for Temporal Predictability. Real-Time Systems 32(3): 253-277 (2006)
39EEIngomar Wenzel, Bernhard Rieder, Raimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: utomatic Timing Model Generation by CFG Partitioning and Model Checking. DATE 2005: 606-611
38EERaimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: Classification of WCET Analysis Techniques. ISORC 2005: 190-199
37EEIngomar Wenzel, Raimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner, Bernhard Rieder: Principles of Timing Anomalies in Superscalar Processors. QSIC 2005: 295-306
36EEIngomar Wenzel, Raimund Kirner, Bernhard Rieder, Peter P. Puschner: Measurement-Based Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis. SEUS 2005: 7-10
35EERaimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: Classification of Code Annotations and Discussion of Compiler-Support for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis. WCET 2005
34EEPeter P. Puschner: Experiments with WCET-Oriented Programming and the Single-Path Architecture. WORDS 2005: 205-210
33EEPeter P. Puschner: Guest Editorial. Real-Time Systems 30(1-2): 5-6 (2005)
32EEStefan Pitzek, Peter P. Puschner: Function Test Environment for Embedded Driver Components. ISORC 2004: 237-244
31EEMartin Delvai, Wolfgang Huber, Peter P. Puschner, Andreas Steininger: Processor Support for Temporal Predictability - The SPEAR Design Example. ECRTS 2003: 169-176
30EEJanosch Fauster, Raimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: Intelligent Editor for Writing Worst-Case-Execution-Time-Oriented Programs. EMSOFT 2003: 190-205
29EEPeter P. Puschner: Hard Real-Time Programming is Different. IPDPS 2003: 116
28EERaimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: Transformation of Meta-Information by Abstract Co-interpretation. SCOPES 2003: 298-312
27 Raimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: Discussion of Misconceptions about WCET Analysis. WCET 2003: 61-64
26 Raimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: A Simple and Efficient Fully Automatic Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis for Model-Based Application Development. WISES 2003: 15-24
25 Stefan Pitzek, Peter P. Puschner: Function Test Framework for Testing IO-Blocks in a Model-Based Rapid Prototyping Development Environment for Embedded Control Applications. WISES 2003: 85-96
24EERaimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: Timing Analysis of Optimised Code. WORDS 2003: 100-105
23EEPeter P. Puschner: Algorithms for Dependable Hard Real-Time Systems. WORDS 2003: 26-31
22EEJan Gustafsson, Björn Lisper, Raimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: Input-Dependency Analysis for Hard Real-Time Software. WORDS Fall 2003: 53-60
21EEPeter P. Puschner, Raimund Kirner: Avoiding Timing Problems in Real-Time Software. WSTFEUS 2003: 75-78
20 Andy J. Wellings, Peter P. Puschner: Evaluating the Expressive Power of the Real-Time Specification for Java. Real-Time Systems 24(3): 319-359 (2003)
19 Peter P. Puschner: Transforming Execution-Time Boundable Code into Temporally Predictable Code. DIPES 2002: 163-172
18EERaimund Kirner, Roland Lang, Gerald Freiberger, Peter P. Puschner: Fully Automatic Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis for Matlab/Simulink Models. ECRTS 2002: 31-40
17EEIain Bate, Guillem Bernat, Peter P. Puschner: Java Virtual-Machine Support for Portable Worst-Case Execution-Time Analysis. Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing 2002: 83-90
16EEPeter P. Puschner, Alan Burns: Writing Temporally Predictable Code. WORDS 2002: 85-94
15EERaimund Kirner, Peter P. Puschner: Transformation of Path Information for WCET Analysis during Compilation. ECRTS 2001: 29-36
14EEPeter P. Puschner, Guillem Bernat: WCET Analysis of Reusable Portable Code. ECRTS 2001: 45-
13EERadu Dobrin, Gerhard Fohler, Peter P. Puschner: Translating Off-Line Schedules into Task Attributes for Fixed Priority Scheduling. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 2001: 225-234
12EEPeter P. Puschner, Andy J. Wellings: A Profile for High-Integrity Real-Time Java Programs. ISORC 2001: 15-22
11EEIain Bate, Guillem Bernat, G. Murphy, Peter P. Puschner: Low-level analysis of a portable Java byte code WCET analysis framework. RTCSA 2000: 39-
10 Peter P. Puschner, Alan Burns: Guest Editorial: A Review of Worst-Case Execution-Time Analysis. Real-Time Systems 18(2/3): 115-128 (2000)
9EEPeter P. Puschner, Alan Burns: Time-constrained sorting-a comparison of different algorithms. ECRTS 1999: 78-85
8 Peter P. Puschner: Real-Time Performance of Sorting Algorithms. Real-Time Systems 16(1): 63-79 (1999)
7EEPeter P. Puschner: A tool for high-level language analysis of worst-case execution times. ECRTS 1998: 130-137
6EEPeter P. Puschner, Roman Nossal: Testing the Results of Static Worst-Case Execution-Time Analysis. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1998: 134-143
5 Peter P. Puschner, Alexander Vrchoticky: Problems in Static Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis. MMB (Kurzbeiträge) 1997: 18-25
4 Peter P. Puschner, Anton V. Schedl: Computing Maximum Task Execution Times - A Graph-Based Approach. Real-Time Systems 13(1): 67-91 (1997)
3EEHermann Kopetz, Gerhard Fohler, Günter Grünsteidl, Heinz Kantz, G. Pospischil, Peter P. Puschner, J. Reisinger, R. Schlatterbeck, Werner Schütz, Alexander Vrchoticky, R. Zainlinger: The programmer's view of MARS. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1992: 223-226
2 Hermann Kopetz, R. Zainlinger, Gerhard Fohler, Heinz Kantz, Peter P. Puschner, Werner Schütz: An Engineering Approach to Hard Real-Time System Design. ESEC 1991: 166-188
1 Peter P. Puschner, Christian Koza: Calculating the Maximum Execution Time of Real-Time Programs. Real-Time Systems 1(2): 159-176 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Iain Bate (I. J. Bate) [11] [17]
2Guillem Bernat [11] [14] [17] [50]
3Alan Burns [9] [10] [16]
4Martin Delvai [31] [53]
5Radu Dobrin [13]
6Jakob Engblom [50]
7Andreas Ermedahl [50]
8Janosch Fauster [30]
9Christian Ferdinand [50]
10Gerhard Fohler [2] [3] [13]
11Gerald Freiberger [18]
12Markus Grössing [42]
13Günter Grünsteidl [3]
14Jan Gustafsson [22] [40]
15Reinhold Heckmann [50]
16Niklas Holsti [50]
17Wolfgang Huber [31]
18Susanne Kandl [47]
19Heinz Kantz [2] [3]
20Guenter Khyo [53]
21Moon Kim [41]
22Raimund Kirner [15] [18] [21] [22] [24] [26] [27] [28] [30] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [54] [55]
23Hermann Kopetz [2] [3]
24Christian Koza [1]
25Roland Lang [18]
26Björn Lisper [22] [40]
27Tulika Mitra [50]
28Frank Mueller [50]
29G. Murphy [11]
30Yunmook Nah [49]
31Roman Nossal [6]
32Roman Obermaisser [49]
33Stefan Pitzek [25] [32]
34G. Pospischil [3]
35Isabelle Puaut [50]
36Franz-Josef Rammig (Franz J. Rammig) [49]
37J. Reisinger [3]
38Bernhard Rieder [36] [37] [39] [43] [45] [48] [51] [54]
39Anton V. Schedl [4]
40R. Schlatterbeck [3]
41Martin Schoeberl [52]
42Werner Schütz [2] [3]
43Jan Staschulat [50]
44Klaus Steinhammer [48]
45Andreas Steininger [31]
46Per Stenström [50]
47Stephan Thesing [50]
48Alexander Vrchoticky [3] [5]
49Andy J. Wellings [12] [20]
50Ingomar Wenzel [36] [37] [39] [43] [45] [48] [51] [54]
51David B. Whalley [50]
52Reinhard Wilhelm [50]
53R. Zainlinger [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)