
Niklas Holsti

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12EENiklas Holsti: Computing time as a program variable: a way around infeasible paths. WCET 2008
11EENiklas Holsti, Jan Gustafsson, Guillem Bernat, Clément Ballabriga, Armelle Bonenfant, Roman Bourgade, Hugues Cassé, Daniel Cordes, Albrecht Kadlec, Raimund Kirner, Jens Knoop, Paul Lokuciejewski, Nicholas Merriam, Marianne De Michiel, Adrian Prantl, Bernhard Rieder, Christine Rochange, Pascal Sainrat, Markus Schordan: WCET 2008 - Report from the Tool Challenge 2008 -- 8th Intl. Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) Analysis. WCET 2008
10EEReinhard Wilhelm, Jakob Engblom, Andreas Ermedahl, Niklas Holsti, Stephan Thesing, David B. Whalley, Guillem Bernat, Christian Ferdinand, Reinhold Heckmann, Tulika Mitra, Frank Mueller, Isabelle Puaut, Peter P. Puschner, Jan Staschulat, Per Stenström: The worst-case execution-time problem - overview of methods and survey of tools. ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 7(3): (2008)
9EENiklas Holsti: Analysing Switch-Case Tables by Partial Evaluation. WCET 2007
8EESamuel Petersson, Andreas Ermedahl, Anders Pettersson, Daniel Sundmark, Niklas Holsti: Using a WCET Analysis Tool in Real-Time Systems Education. WCET 2005
7EENiklas Holsti, Thomas Långbacka: Impact of a Restricted Tasking Profile: The Case of the GOCE Platform Application Software. Ada-Europe 2003: 92-101
6 Manuel Rodríguez, Nuno Silva, João Esteves, Luis Henriques, Diamantino Costa, Niklas Holsti, Kjeld Hjortnaes: Challenges in Calculating the WCET of a Complex On-board Satellite Application. WCET 2003: 11-15
5 Guillem Bernat, Niklas Holsti: Compiler Support for WCET Analysis: a Wish List. WCET 2003: 65-69
4 Tapio Elomaa, Niklas Holsti, Ilkka Hyvärinen: TELA: A Platform for Experimenting with Attribute-based Learning Programs. SCAI 1995: 392-395
3 Niklas Holsti: Transcript Editing, a Simple User Interface Tool. Programming Environments for High-Level Scientific Problem Solving 1991: 321-329
2 Niklas Holsti: A Session Editor with Incremental Execution Functions. Softw., Pract. Exper. 19(4): 329-350 (1989)
1EENiklas Holsti: Using formal procedure parameters to represent and transmit complex data structures. SIGPLAN Notices 23(3): 83-92 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Clément Ballabriga [11]
2Guillem Bernat [5] [10] [11]
3Armelle Bonenfant [11]
4Roman Bourgade [11]
5Hugues Cassé [11]
6Daniel Cordes [11]
7Diamantino Costa [6]
8Tapio Elomaa [4]
9Jakob Engblom [10]
10Andreas Ermedahl [8] [10]
11João Esteves [6]
12Christian Ferdinand [10]
13Jan Gustafsson [11]
14Reinhold Heckmann [10]
15Luis Henriques [6]
16Kjeld Hjortnaes [6]
17Ilkka Hyvärinen [4]
18Albrecht Kadlec [11]
19Raimund Kirner [11]
20Jens Knoop [11]
21Thomas Långbacka [7]
22Paul Lokuciejewski [11]
23Nicholas Merriam [11]
24Marianne De Michiel [11]
25Tulika Mitra [10]
26Frank Mueller [10]
27Samuel Petersson [8]
28Anders Pettersson [8]
29Adrian Prantl [11]
30Isabelle Puaut [10]
31Peter P. Puschner [10]
32Bernhard Rieder [11]
33Christine Rochange [11]
34Manuel Rodríguez [6]
35Pascal Sainrat [11]
36Markus Schordan [11]
37Nuno Silva [6]
38Jan Staschulat [10]
39Per Stenström [10]
40Daniel Sundmark [8]
41Stephan Thesing [10]
42David B. Whalley [10]
43Reinhard Wilhelm [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)