
Martin Delvai

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8EEWerner Friesenbichler, Thomas Panhofer, Martin Delvai: Improving Fault Tolerance by Using Reconfigurable Asynchronous Circuits. DDECS 2008: 267-270
7EEThomas Panhofer, Werner Friesenbichler, Martin Delvai: Fault tolerant Four-State Logic by using Self-Healing Cells. ICCD 2008: 1-6
6EEGuenter Khyo, Peter P. Puschner, Martin Delvai: An Operating System for a Time-Predictable Computing Node. SEUS 2008: 150-161
5EEThomas Panhofer, Martin Delvai: Self-Healing Circuits for Space-Applications. FPL 2007: 505-506
4EEMartin Delvai, Andreas Steininger: Solving the Fundamental Problem of Digital Design - A Systematic Review of Design Methods. DSD 2006: 131-138
3EEMartin Delvai, Wolfgang Huber, Peter P. Puschner, Andreas Steininger: Processor Support for Temporal Predictability - The SPEAR Design Example. ECRTS 2003: 169-176
2EEMartin Delvai, Ulrike Eisenmann, Wilfried Elmenreich: A Generic Architecture for Integrated Smart Transducers. FPL 2003: 733-744
1 Martin Delvai, Ulrike Eisenmann, Wilfried Elmenreich: Intelligent UART Module for Real-Time Applications. WISES 2003: 177-185

Coauthor Index

1Ulrike Eisenmann [1] [2]
2Wilfried Elmenreich [1] [2]
3Werner Friesenbichler [7] [8]
4Wolfgang Huber [3]
5Guenter Khyo [6]
6Thomas Panhofer [5] [7] [8]
7Peter P. Puschner [3] [6]
8Andreas Steininger [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)