Volume 49, 1991
- Charles Blair:
Representation for multiple right-hand sides.
1-5 BibTeX
- Clovis C. Gonzaga:
Polynomial affine algorithms for linear programming.
7-21 BibTeX
- K. A. Ariyawansa:
Deriving collinear scaling algorithms as extensions of quasi-Newton methods and the local convergence of DFP- and BFGS-related collinear scaling algorithms.
23-48 BibTeX
- Michele Conforti, M. R. Rao, Antonio Sassano:
The equipartition polytope. I: Formulations, dimension and basic facets.
49-70 BibTeX
- Michele Conforti, M. R. Rao, Antonio Sassano:
The equipartition polytope. II: Valid inequalities and facets.
71-90 BibTeX
- S. Thomas McCormick:
Making sparse matrices sparser: Computational results.
91-111 BibTeX
- Dinh The Luc:
Recession cones and the domination property in vector optimization.
113-122 BibTeX
- Hubertus Th. Jongen, D. Klatte, K. Tammer:
Implicit functions and sensitivity of stationary points.
123-138 BibTeX
- M. Seetharama Gowda:
On Q-matrices.
139-141 BibTeX
- Irvin Lustig:
Feasibility issues in a primal-dual interior-point method for linear programming.
145-162 BibTeX
- S. C. Boyd, William R. Pulleyblank:
Optimizing over the subtour polytope of the travelling salesman problem.
163-187 BibTeX
- M. J. D. Powell, Y. Yuan:
A trust region algorithm for equality constrained optimization.
189-211 BibTeX
- H. Kawasaki:
Second order necessary optimality conditions for minimizing a sup-type function.
213-229 BibTeX
- Masao Fukushima:
A Successive quadratic programming method for a Class of constrained nonsmooth optimization problems.
231-251 BibTeX
- Kazuya Kamiya:
Computation of equilibria in an economy with increasing returns to scale technologies.
253-261 BibTeX
- Liqun Qi:
Quasidifferentials and maximal normal operators.
263-271 BibTeX
- Robert Mifflin:
On superlinear convergence in univariate nonsmooth minimization.
273-279 BibTeX
- Mark Hartmann, Leslie E. Trotter Jr.:
A topological characterization for closed sets under polar duality in Qn.
281-283 BibTeX
- Richard H. Byrd, Jorge Nocedal:
An analysis of reduced Hessian methods for constrained optimization.
285-323 BibTeX
- Donald Goldfarb, S. Liu:
An O(n3L) primal interior point algorithm for convex quadratic programming.
325-340 BibTeX
- Florian Jarre:
On the convergence of the method of analytic centers when applied to convex quadratic programs.
341-358 BibTeX
- Sehun Kim, Hyunsil Ahn, Seong-Cheol Cho:
Variable target value subgradient method.
359-369 BibTeX
- Carmen Herrero, Jose A. Silva:
On the equivalence between strong solvability and strict semimonotonicity for some systems involving Z-functions.
371-379 BibTeX
- Hanif D. Sherali:
Capacitated, balanced, sequential location-allocation problems on chains and trees.
381-396 BibTeX
- Jorge J. Moré, Stephen A. Vavasis:
On the solution of concave knapsack problems.
397-411 BibTeX
- Richard Henry Frymuth Jackson, Paul T. Boggs, Stephen G. Nash, Susan Powell:
Guidelines for reporting results of computational experiments. Report of the ad hoc committee.
413-425 BibTeX
- Francisco E. Torres:
Linearization of mixed-integer products.
427-428 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:14:00 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)