
Jennifer Preece

Jenny Preece

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45EEAnita Komlodi, Weimin Hou, Jenny Preece, Allison Druin, Evan Golub, Jade Alburo, Sabrina Liao, Aaron Elkiss, Philip Resnik: Evaluating a cross-cultural children's online book community: Lessons learned for sociability, usability, and cultural exchange. Interacting with Computers 19(4): 494-511 (2007)
44EEJames D. Foley, Jenny Preece: CHI education community SIG. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 435-436
43EEBlair Nonnecke, Dorine Andrews, Jenny Preece: Non-public and public online community participation: Needs, attitudes and behavior. Electronic Commerce Research 6(1): 7-20 (2006)
42EEAnn Jones, Jenny Preece: Online communities for teachers and lifelong learners: a framework for comparing similarities and identifying differences in communities of practice and communities of interest. IJLT 2(2/3): 112-137 (2006)
41EEDiane Maloney-Krichmar, Jenny Preece: A multilevel analysis of sociability, usability, and community dynamics in an online health community. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 12(2): 201-232 (2005)
40EEJennifer Preece, Petra Schubert, Yao-Hua Tan: Online Communities in the Digital Economy: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2004
39EEBlair Nonnecke, Jennifer Preece, Dorine Andrews: What Lurkers and Posters Think of Each Other. HICSS 2004
38EEJinjuan Feng, Jonathan Lazar, Jenny Preece: Empathy and online interpersonal trust: A fragile relationship. Behaviour & IT 23(2): 97-106 (2004)
37EEPing Zhang, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, Jenny Preece: Guest Editorial: HCI studies in management information systems. Behaviour & IT 23(3): 147-151 (2004)
36EEJennifer Preece: Etiquette online: from nice to necessary. Commun. ACM 47(4): 56-61 (2004)
35EEJenny Preece, Chadia Abras, Diane Maloney-Krichmar: Designing and evaluating online communities: research speaks to emerging practice. IJWBC 1(1): 2-18 (2004)
34EEClarisse Sieckenius de Souza, Jennifer Preece: A framework for analyzing and understanding online communities. Interacting with Computers 16(3): 579-610 (2004)
33EEJennifer Preece: Etiquette, Empathy and Trust in Communities of Practice: Stepping-Stones to Social Capital. J. UCS 10(3): 294-302 (2004)
32EEJenny Preece, Jonathan Lazar, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Hans J. J. de Graaff, Batya Friedman, Joseph Konstan: Spam, spam, spam, spam: how can we stop it. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 706-707
31EEJinjuan Feng, Jennifer Preece, Jonathan Lazar: Interpersonal trust and empathy online: a fragile relationship. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 718-719
30EEThomas Schoberth, Jennifer Preece, Armin Heinzl: Online Communities: A Longitudinal Analysis of Communication Activities. HICSS 2003: 216
29EEDorine Andrews, Blair Nonnecke, Jennifer Preece: Electronic Survey Methodology: A Case Study in Reaching Hard-to-Involve Internet Users. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interaction 16(2): 185-210 (2003)
28EEJennifer Preece, Paul Resnick, Doug Schuler, Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza: What's SIGCHI's role in strengthening communities? CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 566-567
27EEJonathan Lazar, Jennifer Preece, Jean B. Gasen, Terry Winograd: New issues in teaching HCI: pinning a tail on a moving donkey. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 696-697
26EEMichael Bieber, Il Im, Ronald E. Rice, Ricki Goldman-Segall, Ravi Paul, Edward A. Stohr, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Jennifer Preece, Murray Turoff: Towards Knowledge-Sharing and Learning in Virtual Professional Communities. HICSS 2002: 213
25EEJennifer Preece: Supporting community and building social capital - Introduction. Commun. ACM 45(4): 37-39 (2002)
24EEDorine Andrews, Jennifer Preece, Murray Turoff: A Conceptual Framework for Demographic Groups Resistant to Online Community Interaction. HICSS 2001
23EEMichael Bieber, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Edward A. Stohr, Douglas C. Engelbart, John Noll, Murray Turoff, Richard Furuta, Jennifer Preece, Bartel Van de Walle: Virtual Community Knowledge Evolution. HICSS 2001
22EEJenny Preece: Sociability and usability in online communities: determining and measuring success. Behaviour & IT 20(5): 347-356 (2001)
21EEBlair Nonnecke, Jennifer Preece: Lurker demographics: counting the silent. CHI 2000: 73-80
20EEBlair Nonnecke, Jennifer Preece: Persistence and Lurkers in Discussion Lists: A Pilot Study. HICSS 2000
19 David Squires, Jennifer Preece: Predicting quality in educational software: Evaluating For Learning, Usability and the Synergy between Them. Interacting with Computers 11(5): 467-483 (1999)
18 Herre van Oostendorp, Jennifer Preece, Albert G. Arnold: Designing multimedia for human needs and capabilities. Interacting with Computers 12(1): 1-5 (1999)
17 Jennifer Preece: Empathic communities: balancing emotional and factual communication. Interacting with Computers 12(1): 63-77 (1999)
16 Judith Ramsay, Alessandro Barabesi, Jennifer Preece: A psychological investigation of long retrieval times on the World Wide Web. Interacting with Computers 10(1): 77-86 (1998)
15EEJenny Preece: Empathic communities: reaching out across the Web. Interactions 5(2): 32-43 (1998)
14EEJennifer Preece, Judith Ramsay, Richard Jacques, Alessandro Barabesi: The Center for People and Systems Interaction (CPSI). CHI Conference Companion 1996: 149-150
13EEFrancisco V. Cipolla Ficarra, Punyashloke Mishra, Kim Nguyen, Blair Nonnecke, Jennifer Preece, Gary Marchionini: Evaluation. Hypertext 1996: 260
12 Judith Ramsay, Alessandro Barabesi, Jennifer Preece: Informal Communication is about Sharing Objects in Media. Interacting with Computers 8(3): 277-283 (1996)
11 Jennifer Preece, Ben Shneiderman: Survival of the Fittest: The Evolution of Multimedia User Interfaces. ACM Comput. Surv. 27(4): 557-559 (1995)
10 Blair Nonnecke, Richard Jacques, Diana McKerlie, Jennifer Preece: Video-based hypermedia: guiding design with users' questions. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 1: 185-197 (1995)
9EEGary Perlman, Arye R. Ephrath, Thomas T. Hewett, John Long, S. Joy Mountford, Jenny Preece: Is HCI education getting a passing grade from industry? CHI Conference Companion 1994: 189-190
8EEJennifer Preece, H. Dieter Rombach: A taxonomy for combining software engineering and human-computer interaction measurement approaches: towards a common framework. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 41(4): 553-583 (1994)
7 Jennifer Preece: Supporting User Testing in Human-Computer Interaction Design. New Results and New Trends in Computer Science 1991: 256-267
6 Jennifer Preece, Laurie S. Keller: Teaching the Practitioners: Developing a Distance Learning Postgraduate HCI Course. Interacting with Computers 3(1): 92-118 (1991)
5 Marilyn M. Mantei, Thomas T. Hewett, Ken D. Eason, Jennifer Preece: Report on the INTERACT'90 Workshop on Education in HCI: Transcending Disciplinary and National Boundaries. Interacting with Computers 3(2): 232-240 (1991)
4 Jennifer Preece, Laurie S. Keller: Why, what and how? Issues in the development of an HCI training course. INTERACT 1990: 3-7
3 Jonathan Crellin, Thomas Horn, Jennifer Preece: Evaluating Evaluation: A case study of the use of novel and conventional evaluation techniques in a small company. INTERACT 1990: 329-335
2EEGordon Davies, Jenny Preece: Computer science, home computing and distance learning - the largest computer science course in the world? SIGCSE 1990: 143-146
1 Jennifer Preece: Some HCI issues concerned with displaying quantitative information graphically. Informatics and Psychology Workshop 1988: 209-226

Coauthor Index

1Chadia Abras [35]
2Jade Alburo [45]
3Dorine Andrews [24] [29] [39] [43]
4Albert G. Arnold [18]
5Alessandro Barabesi [12] [14] [16]
6Michael Bieber (Michael P. Bieber) [23] [26]
7Elizabeth F. Churchill [32]
8Jonathan Crellin [3]
9Gordon Davies [2]
10Allison Druin [45]
11Ken D. Eason [5]
12Aaron Elkiss [45]
13Douglas C. Engelbart [23]
14Arye R. Ephrath [9]
15Jinjuan Feng [31] [38]
16Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra [13]
17James D. Foley [44]
18Batya Friedman [32]
19Richard Furuta [23]
20Jean B. Gasen [27]
21Ricki Goldman-Segall [26]
22Evan Golub [45]
23Hans J. J. de Graaff [32]
24Armin Heinzl [30]
25Thomas T. Hewett [5] [9]
26Starr Roxanne Hiltz [23] [26]
27Thomas Horn [3]
28Weimin Hou [45]
29Il Im [26]
30Richard Jacques [10] [14]
31Ann Jones [42]
32Laurie S. Keller [4] [6]
33Anita Komlodi [45]
34Joseph Konstan [32]
35Jonathan Lazar [27] [31] [32] [38]
36Sabrina Liao [45]
37John Long [9]
38Diane Maloney-Krichmar [35] [41]
39Gary Marchionini [13]
40Diana McKerlie [10]
41Punyashloke Mishra [13]
42S. Joy Mountford [9]
43Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah [37]
44Kim Nguyen [13]
45John Noll [23]
46Blair Nonnecke [10] [13] [20] [21] [29] [39] [43]
47Herre van Oostendorp [18]
48Ravi Paul [26]
49Gary Perlman [9]
50Judith Ramsay [12] [14] [16]
51Paul Resnick [28]
52Philip Resnik [45]
53Ronald E. Rice [26]
54H. Dieter Rombach [8]
55Thomas Schoberth [30]
56Petra Schubert [40]
57Doug Schuler (Douglas Schuler) [28]
58Ben Shneiderman [11]
59Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza [28] [34]
60David Squires [19]
61Edward A. Stohr [23] [26]
62Yao-Hua Tan [40]
63Marilyn Tremaine (Marilyn M. Mantei) [5]
64Murray Turoff [23] [24] [26]
65Bartel Van de Walle [23]
66Terry Winograd [27]
67Ping Zhang [37]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)