
Doug Schuler

Douglas Schuler

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11 Douglas Schuler: Online Communities and Social Computing, Second International Conference, OCSC 2007, Held as Part of HCI International 2007, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
10EEDavid J. Bell, Brian Loader, Nicholas Pleace, Douglas Schuler: Cyberculture: the key concepts. Inf. Res. 9(4): (2004)
9EEDouglas Schuler: The Seattle Community Network: Anomaly or Replicable Model?. Digital Cities 2003: 17-42
8EEJennifer Preece, Paul Resnick, Doug Schuler, Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza: What's SIGCHI's role in strengthening communities? CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 566-567
7EEDoug Schuler: Digital Cities and Digital Citizens. Digital Cities 2001: 71-85
6EEDoug Schuler: Computer professionals and the next culture of democracy. Commun. ACM 44(1): 52-57 (2001)
5 Doug Schuler: Social Computing - Introduction to the Special Section. Commun. ACM 37(1): 28-29 (1994)
4 Doug Schuler: Community Networks: Building a New Participatory Medium. Commun. ACM 37(1): 38-51 (1994)
3EEKathryn C. Malcolm, Steven E. Poltrock, Douglas Schuler: Industrial Strength Hypermedia: Requirements for a Large Engineering Enterprise. Hypertext 1991: 13-24
2 Douglas Schuler, Peter Russo, John H. Boose, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw: Using Personal Construct Techniques for Collaborative Evaluation. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 33(5): 521-536 (1990)
1 Doug Schuler, Jonathan Jacky: Introduction - Computing and Social Responsibilities. Commun. ACM 32(8): 925-927 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1David J. Bell [10]
2John H. Boose [2]
3Jeffrey M. Bradshaw (Jeffrey Bradshaw) [2]
4Jonathan Jacky [1]
5Brian Loader [10]
6Kathryn C. Malcolm [3]
7Nicholas Pleace [10]
8Steven E. Poltrock [3]
9Jennifer Preece (Jenny Preece) [8]
10Paul Resnick [8]
11Peter Russo [2]
12Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)