
Yuan Ma

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21EEYuan Ma: MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) Based Wavelength-Selective Building Block in a Transparent Network Architecture. CNSR 2008: 326-330
20EEPeiping Shen, Yunpeng Duan, Yuan Ma: A robust solution approach for nonconvex quadratic programs with additional multiplicative constraints. Applied Mathematics and Computation 201(1-2): 514-526 (2008)
19EEYuan Ma, Xiqun Zhu, Robert W. Newcomb: Cost effective high voltage driver for large channel count optical MEMS switch applications. ISCAS (6) 2005: 5397-5400
18EEXiqun Zhu, Yuan Ma: Modular Architecture for System-on-Chip Design of Scalable MEMS Optical Switch Actuator Controller. IWSOC 2005: 521-524
17EEMing-Yang Kao, Yuan Ma, Michael Sipser, Yiqun Lisa Yin: Optimal Constructions of Hybrid Algorithms CoRR cs.DM/0101028: (2001)
16 Frank Thomson Leighton, Yuan Ma: Tight Bounds on the Size of Fault-Tolerant Merging and Sorting Networks with Destructive Faults. SIAM J. Comput. 29(1): 258-273 (1999)
15 Ming-Yang Kao, Yuan Ma, Michael Sipser, Yiqun Lisa Yin: Optimal Constructions of Hybrid Algorithms. J. Algorithms 29(1): 142-164 (1998)
14EEJános Komlós, Yuan Ma, Endre Szemerédi: Matching Nuts and Bolts in O(n log n) Time. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11(3): 347-372 (1998)
13EEYuan Ma, Serge A. Plotkin: An Improved Lower Bound for Load Balancing of Tasks with Unknown Duration. Inf. Process. Lett. 62(6): 301-303 (1997)
12 Frank Thomson Leighton, Yuan Ma, C. Greg Plaxton: Breaking the Theta (n log² n) Barrier for Sorting with Faults. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 54(2): 265-304 (1997)
11 Daniel J. Kleitman, Frank Thomson Leighton, Yuan Ma: On the Design of Reliable Boolean Circuits That Contain Partially Unreliable Gates. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 55(3): 385-401 (1997)
10 Frank Thomson Leighton, Yuan Ma, Torsten Suel: On Probabilistic Networks for Selection, Merging, and Sorting. Theory Comput. Syst. 30(6): 559-582 (1997)
9 János Komlós, Yuan Ma, Endre Szemerédi: Matching Nuts and Bolts in O(n log n) Time (Extended Abstract). SODA 1996: 232-241
8EEYuan Ma: An O(n log n)-Size Fault-Tolerant Sorting Network (Extended Abstract). STOC 1996: 266-275
7EEFrank Thomson Leighton, Yuan Ma, Torsten Suel: On Probabilistic Networks for Selection, Merging, and Sorting. SPAA 1995: 106-118
6EENabil Kahale, Frank Thomson Leighton, Yuan Ma, C. Greg Plaxton, Torsten Suel, Endre Szemerédi: Lower bounds for sorting networks. STOC 1995: 437-446
5 Daniel J. Kleitman, Frank Thomson Leighton, Yuan Ma: On the Design of Reliable Boolean Circuits that Contain Partially Unreliable Gates FOCS 1994: 332-346
4 Ming-Yang Kao, Yuan Ma, Michael Sipser, Yiqun Lisa Yin: Optimal Constructions of Hybrid Algorithms. SODA 1994: 372-381
3 Frank Thomson Leighton, Yuan Ma: Breaking the Theta(n log ^2 n) Barrier for Sorting with Faults (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1993: 734-743
2EEFrank Thomson Leighton, Yuan Ma: Tight Bounds on the Size of Fault-Tolerant Merging and Sorting Networks With Destructive Faults. SPAA 1993: 30-41
1 Frank Thomson Leighton, Yuan Ma, C. Greg Plaxton: Highly Fault-Tolerant Sorting Circuits FOCS 1991: 458-469

Coauthor Index

1Yunpeng Duan [20]
2Nabil Kahale [6]
3Ming-Yang Kao [4] [15] [17]
4Daniel J. Kleitman [5] [11]
5János Komlós [9] [14]
6Frank Thomson Leighton (Tom Leighton) [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [12] [16]
7Robert W. Newcomb (R. W. Newcomb) [19]
8C. Greg Plaxton [1] [6] [12]
9Serge A. Plotkin [13]
10Peiping Shen [20]
11Michael Sipser [4] [15] [17]
12Torsten Suel [6] [7] [10]
13Endre Szemerédi [6] [9] [14]
14Yiqun Lisa Yin [4] [15] [17]
15Xiqun Zhu [18] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)