
Gert Pfurtscheller

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19EEAnton Nijholt, Desney S. Tan, Gert Pfurtscheller, Clemens Brunner, José del R. Millán, Brendan Allison, Bernhard Graimann, Florin Popescu, Benjamin Blankertz, Klaus-Robert Müller: Brain-Computer Interfacing for Intelligent Systems. IEEE Intelligent Systems 23(3): 72-79 (2008)
18 Doron Friedman, Robert Leeb, Larisa Dikovsky, Miriam Reiner, Gert Pfurtscheller, Mel Slater: Controlling a virtual body by thought in a highly-immersive virtual environment - a case study in using a brain-computer interface in a virtual-reality cave-like system. GRAPP (AS/IE) 2007: 83-90
17EEMel Slater, Antonio Frisoli, Franco Tecchia, Christoph Guger, Beau Lotto, Anthony Steed, Gert Pfurtscheller, Robert Leeb, Miriam Reiner, Maria V. Sanchez-Vives, Paul F. M. J. Verschure, Ulysses Bernardet: Understanding and Realizing Presence in the Presenccia Project. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 27(4): 90-93 (2007)
16EEClemens Brunner, Muhammad Naeem, Robert Leeb, Bernhard Graimann, Gert Pfurtscheller: Spatial filtering and selection of optimized components in four class motor imagery EEG data using independent components analysis. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(8): 957-964 (2007)
15EEDoron Friedman, Robert Leeb, Christoph Guger, Anthony Steed, Gert Pfurtscheller, Mel Slater: Navigating Virtual Reality by Thought: What Is It Like? Presence 16(1): 100-110 (2007)
14EEGert Pfurtscheller, Reinhold Scherer, Robert Leeb, Claudia Keinrath, Christa Neuper, Felix Lee, Horst Bischof: Viewing Moving Objects in Virtual Reality Can Change the Dynamics of Sensorimotor EEG Rhythms. Presence 16(1): 111-118 (2007)
13EERobert Leeb, Claudia Keinrath, Doron Friedman, Christoph Guger, Reinhold Scherer, Christa Neuper, Maia Garau, Angus Antley, Anthony Steed, Mel Slater, Gert Pfurtscheller: Walking by Thinking: The Brainwaves Are Crucial, Not the Muscles! Presence 15(5): 500-514 (2006)
12EEMel Slater, Christoph Guger, Guenter Edlinger, Robert Leeb, Gert Pfurtscheller, Angus Antley, Maia Garau, Andrea Brogni, Doron Friedman: Analysis of Physiological Responses to a Social Situation in an Immersive Virtual Environment. Presence 15(5): 553-569 (2006)
11EEBernhard Obermaier, Gernot Müller, Gert Pfurtscheller: 'Virtual Keyboard' Controlled by Spontaneous EEG Activity. ICANN 2001: 636-641
10 Bernhard Obermaier, Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho C. Rosa, Gert Pfurtscheller: Asymmetric hemisphere modeling in an offline brain-computer interface. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 31(4): 536-540 (2001)
9EEBernhard Obermaier, Christoph Guger, Christa Neuper, Gert Pfurtscheller: Hidden Markov models for online classification of single trial EEG data. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(12): 1299-1309 (2001)
8 Gert Pfurtscheller, Christoph Guger, Herbert Ramoser: EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface Using Subject-Specific Spatial Filters. IWANN (2) 1999: 248-254
7EEBjörn O. Peters, Gert Pfurtscheller, Henrik Flyvbjerg: Mining multi-channel EEG for its information content: an ANN-based method for a brain-computer interface. Neural Networks 11(7-8): 1429-1433 (1998)
6 I. Koprinska, Gert Pfurtscheller, Doris Flotzinger: Sleep classification in infants by decision tree-based neural networks. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 8(4): 387-401 (1996)
5EEMartin Pregenzer, Gert Pfurtscheller, Doris Flotzinger: Automated feature selection with a distinction sensitive learning vector quantizer. Neurocomputing 11(1): 19-29 (1996)
4EENikola Masic, Gert Pfurtscheller, Doris Flotzinger: Neural network-based predictions of hand movements using simulated and real EEG data. Neurocomputing 7(3): 259-274 (1995)
3 J. Kalcher, Doris Flotzinger, S. Gölly, Christa Neuper, Gert Pfurtscheller: Graz Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) II. ICCHP 1994: 170-176
2 Miroslav Kubat, Doris Flotzinger, Gert Pfurtscheller: Discovering Patterns in EEG-Signals: Comparative Study of a Few Methods. ECML 1993: 366-371
1 Nikola Masic, Gert Pfurtscheller: Neural network based classification of single-trial EEG data. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 5(6): 503-513 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Brendan Allison [19]
2Angus Antley [12] [13]
3Ulysses Bernardet [17]
4Horst Bischof [14]
5Benjamin Blankertz [19]
6Andrea Brogni [12]
7Clemens Brunner [16] [19]
8Larisa Dikovsky [18]
9Guenter Edlinger [12]
10Doris Flotzinger [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
11Henrik Flyvbjerg [7]
12Doron Friedman [12] [13] [15] [18]
13Antonio Frisoli [17]
14Maia Garau [12] [13]
15S. Gölly [3]
16Bernhard Graimann [16] [19]
17Christoph Guger [8] [9] [12] [13] [15] [17]
18J. Kalcher [3]
19Claudia Keinrath [13] [14]
20I. Koprinska [6]
21Miroslav Kubat [2]
22Felix Lee [14]
23Robert Leeb [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
24Beau Lotto [17]
25Nikola Masic [1] [4]
26José del R. Millán [19]
27Gernot Müller [11]
28Klaus-Robert Müller [19]
29Cristian Munteanu [10]
30Muhammad Naeem [16]
31Christa Neuper [3] [9] [13] [14]
32Anton Nijholt [19]
33Bernhard Obermaier [9] [10] [11]
34Björn O. Peters [7]
35Florin Popescu [19]
36Martin Pregenzer [5]
37Herbert Ramoser [8]
38Miriam Reiner [17] [18]
39Agostinho C. Rosa (Agostinho Cláudio da Rosa) [10]
40Maria V. Sanchez-Vives [17]
41Reinhold Scherer [13] [14]
42Mel Slater [12] [13] [15] [17] [18]
43Anthony Steed [13] [15] [17]
44Desney S. Tan [19]
45Franco Tecchia [17]
46Paul F. M. J. Verschure [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)