
Christa Neuper

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4EEGert Pfurtscheller, Reinhold Scherer, Robert Leeb, Claudia Keinrath, Christa Neuper, Felix Lee, Horst Bischof: Viewing Moving Objects in Virtual Reality Can Change the Dynamics of Sensorimotor EEG Rhythms. Presence 16(1): 111-118 (2007)
3EERobert Leeb, Claudia Keinrath, Doron Friedman, Christoph Guger, Reinhold Scherer, Christa Neuper, Maia Garau, Angus Antley, Anthony Steed, Mel Slater, Gert Pfurtscheller: Walking by Thinking: The Brainwaves Are Crucial, Not the Muscles! Presence 15(5): 500-514 (2006)
2EEBernhard Obermaier, Christoph Guger, Christa Neuper, Gert Pfurtscheller: Hidden Markov models for online classification of single trial EEG data. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(12): 1299-1309 (2001)
1 J. Kalcher, Doris Flotzinger, S. Gölly, Christa Neuper, Gert Pfurtscheller: Graz Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) II. ICCHP 1994: 170-176

Coauthor Index

1Angus Antley [3]
2Horst Bischof [4]
3Doris Flotzinger [1]
4Doron Friedman [3]
5Maia Garau [3]
6S. Gölly [1]
7Christoph Guger [2] [3]
8J. Kalcher [1]
9Claudia Keinrath [3] [4]
10Felix Lee [4]
11Robert Leeb [3] [4]
12Bernhard Obermaier [2]
13Gert Pfurtscheller [1] [2] [3] [4]
14Reinhold Scherer [3] [4]
15Mel Slater [3]
16Anthony Steed [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)