
Hans C. Pfeiffer

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2EERajinder S. Dhaliwal, William A. Enichen, Steven D. Golladay, Michael S. Gordon, Rodney A. Kendall, Jon E. Lieberman, Hans C. Pfeiffer, David J. Pinckney, Christopher F. Robinson, James D. Rockrohr, Werner Stickel, Eileen V. Tressler: PREVAIL-Electron projection technology approach for next-generation lithography. IBM Journal of Research and Development 45(5): 615-638 (2001)
1 Timothy R. Groves, John G. Hartley, Hans C. Pfeiffer, Denise Puisto, Donald K. Bailey: Electron beam lithography tool for manufacture of X-ray masks. IBM Journal of Research and Development 37(3): 411-420 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Donald K. Bailey [1]
2Rajinder S. Dhaliwal [2]
3William A. Enichen [2]
4Steven D. Golladay [2]
5Michael S. Gordon [2]
6Timothy R. Groves [1]
7John G. Hartley [1]
8Rodney A. Kendall [2]
9Jon E. Lieberman [2]
10David J. Pinckney [2]
11Denise Puisto [1]
12Christopher F. Robinson [2]
13James D. Rockrohr [2]
14Werner Stickel [2]
15Eileen V. Tressler [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)