Advanced Course:
The Data Parallel Programming Model 1996
Guy-René Perrin, Alain Darte (Eds.):
The Data Parallel Programming Model: Foundations, HPF Realization, and Scientific Applications.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1132 Springer 1996, ISBN 3-540-61736-1 BibTeX
editor = {Guy-Ren{\'e} Perrin and
Alain Darte},
title = {The Data Parallel Programming Model: Foundations, HPF Realization,
and Scientific Applications},
booktitle = {The Data Parallel Programming Model},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1132},
year = {1996},
isbn = {3-540-61736-1},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
- Guy-René Perrin:
1-3 BibTeX
- Luc Bougé:
The Data Parallel Programming Model: A Semantic Perspective.
4-26 BibTeX
- Robert Schreiber:
An Introduction to HPF.
27-44 BibTeX
- Serge G. Petiton, Nahid Emad:
A Data Parallel Scientific Computing Introduction.
45-64 BibTeX
- Monica S. Lam:
Current Status of the SUIF Research Project.
65-78 BibTeX
- Paul Feautrier:
Automatic Parallelization in the Polytope Model.
79-103 BibTeX
- Fabien Coelho, Cécile Germain, Jean-Louis Pazat:
State of the Art in Compiling HPF.
104-133 BibTeX
- Jean-Louis Pazat:
Tools for High Performance Fortran: A Survey.
134-158 BibTeX
- Philip J. Hatcher, Robert D. Russell, Santhosh Kumaran, Michael J. Quinn:
Implementing Data Parallel Programs on Commodity Clusters.
159-178 BibTeX
- Ian T. Foster:
Task Parallelism and High-Performance Languages.
179-196 BibTeX
- Jean-Luc Dekeyser, Philippe Marquet:
Supporting Irregular and Dynamic Computations in Data Parallel Languages.
197-219 BibTeX
- Björn Lisper:
Data Parallelism and Functional Programming.
220-251 BibTeX
- Luc Bougé, David Cachera, Yann Le Guyadec, Gil Utard, Bernard Virot:
Formal Validation of Data Parallel Programs: Introducting the Assertional Approach.
252-281 BibTeX
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by Michael Ley (