
Jean Claude Miellou

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7 Jean Claude Miellou, Didier El Baz, Pierre Spitéri: A new class of asynchronous iterative algorithms with order intervals. Math. Comput. 67(221): 237-255 (1998)
6 Didier El Baz, Didier Gazen, Mohamed Jarraya, Pierre Spitéri, Jean Claude Miellou: Flexible Communication for Parallel Asynchronous Methods with Application to a Nonlinear Optimization Problem. PARCO 1997: 429-436
5EERonan Guivarch, Pierre Spitéri, H. C. Boisson, Jean Claude Miellou: Schwarz Alternating Parallel Algorithm Applied to Incompressible Flow Computation in Vorticity Stream Function Formulation. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 11(3-4): 205-225 (1997)
4 Didier El Baz, Pierre Spitéri, Jean Claude Miellou, Didier Gazen: Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms with Flexible Communication for Nonlinear Network Flow Problems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 38(1): 1-15 (1996)
3 M. Bahi, Jean Claude Miellou: Contractive Mappings with Maximum Norms: Comparison of Constants of Contraction and Application to Asynchronous Iterations. Parallel Computing 19(5): 511-523 (1993)
2EEJean Claude Miellou, Guy-René Perrin, Pierre Spitéri: An inexpensive method of performance evaluation for subdomain decomposition parallel algorithms of three-dimensional elliptical problems. Journal of Systems and Software 6(1-2): 169-173 (1986)
1 Jean Claude Miellou: A Mixt Relaxation Algorithm Applied to Quasi-Variational. Optimization Techniques 1975: 192-199

Coauthor Index

1M. Bahi [3]
2Didier El Baz [4] [6] [7]
3H. C. Boisson [5]
4Didier Gazen [4] [6]
5Ronan Guivarch [5]
6Mohamed Jarraya [6]
7Guy-René Perrin [2]
8Pierre Spitéri [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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